Since we published that inspirational layout on Bo Derek, star of the movie "10," in March, many people have written to us, asking, "Playboy, how do I go about finding a perfect 10?" For an answer to that pressing question, we solicited the services of Dudley Moore, who in the movie demonstrates his singular persistence in the pursuit of the perfect 10, and thus ought to know by now how to go (text concluded on page 234)The Perfect 10(continued from page 152) about it properly. We were not disappointed. Says Dudley:
"I must tell you straight off that a large part of me disapproves strongly of all this 10 rating business. However, the small part of me that is left over after the large part has had its say admits to a gleeful and insatiable interest. One drawback to the system seems to be that one man's 10 is another's 8 1/2, though it is clear that in the realm of feminine aesthetics (or, as it is known in the profession, T & A), male assessments tend to converge. It may be wiser to rely for a 10 body on a Pommard '59. However, on those all-too-frequent occasions when the geometry of the female form beckons in the mind's eye and aches to be filled out with flesh in the space immediately abutting the body, the call must be acknowledged. So if and when you decide willy-nilly to go on this shallow quest, you should obey a few basic rules: In preparation for the pursuit of the perfect 10, never let a 10's sublime beauty make you unduly nervous. Drooling is acceptable, as are panting, sweating, hives and various sneezing reactions; but weeping in the nude at her feet is not recommended. Remember, beauty is only skin-deep, which, in most cases, is a millimeter or less. Think about how she looks underneath that lovely soft skin--all bones and organs and disgusting squidgy things that we all have in common. Think not of her perfectly formed breasts, her silky thighs, her rosy nipples. Think instead of her liver, or her pancreas, or her incipient gallstones, her blocked colon. This will take a lot of the pressure off and make you thoroughly nauseated, a feeling not unlike love in some of its more subtle aspects. And, lastly, never have root-canal work done immediately prior to your first date. Thank you and good luck."