Linda Kerridge was only five years old when people began to remark that she bore a striking resemblance to Marilyn Monroe. Even though she was born and raised on the other side of the world-in Wagga Wagga, Australia, to be exact-she grew up enchanted by the Monroe mystique, which by then had spread to every remote outpost of the world, even to Wagga Wagga. As the years passed and the resemblance became more pronounced, Linda became a certified movie buff and a natural mimic. "I've always loved to imitate people," she recalls. "Even as a child, it was especially easy for me to mimic
Marilyn." Today, given the proper encouragement, she can perform a startlingly precise impersonation of MM's walk, her pout and her voice. In fact, the resemblance is so total it recemtly inspired a team of hollywood flim makers to come up with a movie script designed specifically to accommodate Lina's rare talents. That script is now a film called Fade to Black, just released and starring Linda and Dennis (Breaking Away) Christopher. In it, Christopher plays a somewhat deranged movie buff, a loner who lives in a dream world populated by the screen idols he impersonates. Enraptured by Linda's resemblance to Marilyn Monroe, he asks her out; but when she fails to show up, he assumes he's been stood up and proceeds to go on a murderous rampage, killing off his foes with the same cinematic methods used by some of his screen idols. And what happens to Linda? Sorry, you'll have to visit your local bijou to find out.