Who do you think should be Playmate of the Year?
Reach out and choose someone
Here's your chance to let the editors of Playboy know whom you'd like to be our Playmate of the Year. Here's how it works: We've assigned a different 900 number to each Playmate; that number is listed by her photograph on the following pages. Decide who your favorite is and dial her number. Each call will be acknowledged and registered by computer. The phone lines will be open 24 hours a day, from 12:01 P.M. E.S.T., December first, to midnight E.S.T., December 14. From any of the 50 states, Canada, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, the cost is 50 cents per call; you can phone from anywhere else in the world as well, but international callers will be charged regular long-distance rates.
Take a chance on talking with your favorite Playmate
As a bonus, you may get to talk with the woman of your dreams. Each day during the phone-in period, at least one of 1985's delightful dozen will be personally answering randomly selected calls. So if you're one of the lucky ones to get through, you'll talk person to person with an appreciative Playmate. Or, as Ma Bell would put it, you'll be able to reach out and touch your favorite Playmate.