Despite what you see in these photos, Tiffany Taylor does not spend most of her time languishing amid beach dunes. In real life, the 21-year-old from Maryland is too busy studying criminal justice, moonlighting at Hooters and looking after her leopard gecko and seven ferrets to sit still for long. We met Tiffany at Okno, an achingly hip Wicker Park restaurant, in Chicago, during a break in a week of location shooting.
[Q]: Unlike a lot of Playmates, you don't want to be an actor. Why not?
[A]: I don't like the Los Angeles party scene. I've seen too many people my age who look like they're 30 because they do drugs and party all night. I'm a real homebody. I suffer withdrawal when I miss South Park.
[Q]: What else can't you live without?
[A]: Sleep.
[Q]: Where do you get your ambition from?
[A]: When I was ten, my parents went through a bad divorce. I had my own lawyer and had to testify in court so my dad could have custody of me. I'm a strong person because of what I went through. I take care of myself.
[Q]: What's your typical day at college?
[A]: I roll out of bed late and go to class looking really scary, wearing what I slept in. I'm a teaching assistant, and there's always an idiot who hasn't gone to class and wants me to tell him what will be on an exam. I'm like, "I don't know, dork, get your head out of the bar!"
[Q]: Did your decision to take up law enforcement have anything to do with the show Cops?
[A]: [Laughs] No. I knew I wanted to help people.
[Q]: Do you feel comfortable handling a gun?
[A]: Sure. I grew up with guns. My dad is into hunting and shooting clubs. My boyfriend is a cop. When I met him, he asked me to go shooting with him. It was a great pick-up line.
Playmate Data Sheet
Name: Tiffany Taylor
Bust: 36"
Waist: 25"
Hips: 35"
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 115
Birth Date: 7.17.77
Birthplace: Leesburg, Virginia
Ambitions: To be happy and successful in every aspect of my life.
Turn-ons: Men in uniform (especially cops!), kindness, getting cards and flowers for no reason.
Turnoffs: Rude drivers, bad tippers, people lacking ambition or the desire to improve themselves.
You can never have enough: Ferrets, Coca-Cola, good loving, time to sit back and relax.
I'm always: Driving fast, dining out, playing with my babies (my 7 ferrets).
I've learned: That everything happens for a reason and in the end everything works out for the best.
My Philosophy: Keep smiling.