Voyeurism and exhibitionism are big turn-ons for me. I like to have sex in public places. I'll never forget the time my husband and I went to a forest preserve to have sex. We had a blanket and everything. He had my clothes stripped off and was starting to take off his. We were doing some kissing and heavy petting, and all of a sudden a jogger comes running by. He looked at us but just kept going. It was so funny. It's interesting to see if you can have sex in public and get away with it. I love the idea that at any moment, someone might walk by and catch you. We do it on golf courses, too. And we have quickies all the time at friends' houses. If I walked in on someone having sex, it would be fun to stay and watch. I would rather accidentally catch someone having sex than watch a porno movie. I'm much more likely to have a telescope in my apartment for spying on the neighbors than I am to have a porn stash. I love the realness of live sex. Maybe it's because I'm in the entertainment industry, but with porn movies, I can't help thinking about what's going on behind the scenes. I know there's a director standing next to them, saying, "OK, we need you to put your leg up a little bit more."
I'm a big tease. I'm terribly flirtatious, and I like to strip. I love to go to strip clubs. They're so cool. I go in and get pointers. One of my favorite things is to put on a sexy outfit at home with superhigh heels. High heels make your whole body look great. I light candles and make him sit down. Then I dance for him. A good striptease means being aggressive but never letting him touch you. That leads to anticipation, which guys love. Stripping is great because you're in control. Relinquishing control is fun, too. Experimentation is good for people who are in a steady relationship and who know what they're comfortable doing. Toys, games, third parties. It's all good as long as everyone agrees. I'd be open to a threesome if it were with someone my husband and I were totally comfortable with.
"I'm really into touch. The more touch, the more foreplay, the better."
Deanna Brooks
Why not even broken bones ruin good sex: My husband broke his toe while working at a warehouse. While we were having sex, I got a little carried away and stepped on the toe. It hurt him really bad, but it didn't ruin the moment. Actually, I think I popped it back into place. He didn't even have to go to the doctor after that. See, nothing ruins the moment if you're determined enough. On experimentation: I try to stay open-minded when I'm faced with a new sexual situation. There's only one thing I definitely wouldn't do: have sex with a stranger.