FORGET A FANCY NIGHT OUT ON THE TOWN. IF .fOU WANT TO IMPRESS THE FABULOUSLY PHYSICAL MISS JUNE, YOU'LL NEED TO WORK UP A SWEAT all about hav or Miss June Kaylia Cassandra, feelii healthy mind, body and spirit. Her muHnin life is to be her best self, which means greeting every morning with a smile ("Positive thoughts breed positive outcomes," she says) and working put up to six times a week to maintain her killer body. "Being fit is definitely part of being the best possible me," says the aspiring medical assistant. "It's not only the way my body looks but how it feels on the inside. We have only one body, so I take care of and love mine." Outside the gym, Kaylia enjoys watching Minnesota Vikings football, snowboarding, hiking, walking her Labrador puppy and spending quiet nights at home. "A glass of red wine, sitting on a sofa and being comfortable—there's something very appealing and sexy about that," she says, alluding to the inspiration behind her 1960s-themed playboy pictorial. "Maybe it's because I appreciate modesty. As a small-town girl, I'd rather be cute and comfortable than try to impress other people," she says. "The only person I ever compete with is myself." PLAYBOY'S PLAYMATE OF THE MONTH PLAYMATE DATA SHEET NAME . \COui\\Q ;Zk an ft RTISTr ^ •— '~> MATST. «- " HIPS: f5i lp" in HEIGHT: 51 v-" WETGHT: ' • ' . Gvrgnd .3-23-qO „„,„.„. n.,.. .One douj \ L an everyone umU nced ^MI AMBIII0NS AMBIII0NS. uj p y men, a-Ur\\cVvc TURN-ONS:. men Vloouj roL) oannc. Uvs pronounced Olde aU\V cd remain hump \c .\ rCQWu dionA- ute men Uuho f \1\lc nru '• prc Qc-VQr, p lQ\^oen\ou ccrcou?. nn4 AQQ m d Wc TURNOFFS bc\\e\Je GUILTY Ao . m A-QQ Qrc QQOLa LQb. <ooonncn. MY ADVICE:. q cmbv-oo^ ^Qlr HAIR BY TONY VIN. P kUHBV LKINLbbbMIIH Al Al bLIbK MANAlsbMbNI; CYDNEY GRIGGS CULLEN