Q&A: Morgan Craft

The Playboy Creator who screams "southern hospitality."

Morgan Craft is a small town girl following her dreams in the big city. She sat down with us to dish about her aspirations, memes, and her not-so-secret superpower.

Playboy: So to start us off, where were you born?

Morgan Craft: I was born in a small town in Mississippi. So I’m a southern girl. I lived there all my life until about two years ago, and I moved up to New York City.

Playboy: What was the first thing you ever dreamed of achieving?

Morgan: Definitely being a model. Ever since I was a little kid…all these beautiful women in magazines, Vogue, and I mean—once I got a little bit older—Playboy. I just looked up to their campaigns and just dreamed of being one of them. And I really just chased my dream that I got there.

Playboy: What are you passionate about?

Morgan: I’m passionate about traveling. I love traveling. I really want to go to Europe. I’ve never been before and so that’s on the top of my list. But recently I went to Bermuda and it was very beautiful. The beaches…it was very quiet and it was only an hour and a half flight from New York. So it was crazy trip.

Playboy: What would make you ghost a potential suitor?

Morgan: Persistence. I would say if they were just being very persistent. You know, annoying. I work a lot! So when men just text me all the time, I can’t always get to them. it’s a little bit overwhelming when there’s 20 messages and you’re like, “My gosh!”

Playboy: What’s the best piece of advice you were ever given?

Morgan: I mean, this is gonna sound cliche, but I would just say, “Follow your dreams. Don’t give up. Do what you want to do. The world is your oyster!”

Playboy: Awesome, who was the woman that inspires you?

Morgan: I’m gonna have to say Pamela Anderson. She’s a fantastic model and actress and she’s done such amazing things and I love her. Obviously, her work with Playboy. Like me, she’s from a small town. And she went all the way up to LA when she was young, all by herself. And she had to figure everything out by herself. And she just blossomed! She’s such an icon and that’s very inspiring.

Playboy: What quality do you think is most desirable in a person?

Morgan: I would say being personable. A good listener. People who really listen to you and can offer good conversation.

Playboy: What tweet or viral video speaks to you?

Morgan: My gosh, the Four Seasons baby! That was iconic. It’s like this grown looking baby and the mom is recording. And the baby’s sitting on the dad’s head and she’s like “Who wants to go to Four Seasons Orlando?” And the baby’s like “Me!” And he just looks like a grown man. It’s crazy.

Playboy: Do you want to go to the Four Seasons Orlando?

Morgan: Yeah, now I do!

Playboy: What’s a food you reach for when you want to hit when you’re feeling blue?

Morgan: I would say soul food. I love grits. They’re really hard to find in New York. I feel like I have to go back home to get them the way they’re supposed to be done. 

Playboy: What’s your superpower?

Morgan: Southern Hospitality. I’m very understanding…maybe a little bit overly nice. But that’s just the culture down there.

Morgan Craft is on The Playboy Club. Talk to her now.

Morgan wearing a while t-shirt, sitting on a fluffy white blanket
Morgan Craft
Morgan Craft
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