Playboy Q&A

Q&A: Louise Bordeaux

Louise Bordeaux
Louise gabs about living a creatively-inspired life, embarrassing childhood crushes, and more.

Musician and Cosplayer Louise Bordeaux talks living that creative life, being a life-long pasta fan, and a meme that she can’t help but love.

Playboy: To start us off, where were you born?

Louise Bordeaux: I was born in North Bay, Canada. It’s a city really North in Ontario. It’s known for being a place teachers go to—what’s it called—teachers college? That’s where I’m from.

Playboy: What was the first thing you ever dreamed of achieving?

Louise: I remember I had this little book…and I remember writing in it that I wanted to become a doctor when I grew up, which is funny now. My grandparents were doctors and I always wanted to be just like them. I actually wanted to be a gynecologist. Because you’re helping women and I thought that was always a nice field to be in.

Playboy: What are you passionate about?

Louise: The arts. I’m really passionate about the arts, being creative, music. I was always in vocal lessons. I was in dance lessons. I did musical theater. Being able to be yourself in that creativity, feeling like you don’t need to fill a certain box, if that makes sense.

Playboy: It does! Describe your perfect day.

Louise: I would say I’m kind of like a homebody, to be honest. Hanging out with people that I’m closest to inside. Maybe do some gardening, cook, stay in, watch movies, talk about the world. I don’t know. I just love being at home.

Playboy: What food do you read for when you’re feeling blue? 

Louise: I’m definitely a pasta eater. I love all sorts of pasta but specifically any sort of Alfredo white sauce type of thing. That’s my go to comfort meal.

Playboy: What’s your favorite thing to splurge on?

Louise: My goodness. I don’t think I’m much of a splurger. But I would say maybe things to make myself look nice. Clothes, stuff like that. I prefer spending money going to events and experiencing things. If I’m on vacation, I like to go out and experience the culture there. I’ll spend a little bit of extra money to have a very fulfilling trip. 

Playboy: What quality do you think is most desirable in a person?

Louise: Definitely someone who’s able to have a good conversation with. Or someone who’s very funny. Humor is something that I love. I don’t think life’s worth living if you’re not laughing with someone.

Playboy: What meme speaks to you?

Louise: I don’t know why, but my favorite meme has always been the Pepe Frog. I loved him so much that I had emotes made for my Twitch channel made to look like me. But they actually banned it from Twitch because it was wearing a bikini. 

Playboy: What’s a talent that is a talent you wish you had?

Louise: I wish I was good at sports. I remember when I was growing up, I always wanted to be on a sports team. I’d try out for every single sports team and I never got called back except for one year. For volleyball. And I’m athletic. I like to dance, and I work out and stuff, but I have never been someone who can play a sport. 

Playboy: Who was the first fictional character that you fell in love with?

Louise:: I feel like this is embarrassing…but definitely Edward Cullen from Twilight. The story sounds creepy because he’s technically like 100. But he grew up in the old times, so he has a very classic look. He was also a very intense lover. I look back now, and if a guy were to act like that to me, I would be like “This guy’s a creep!”

Louise Bordeaux is on The Playboy Club. Talk to her now.

Louise in a yellow bathing suit sitting on blue bed
Louise Bordeaux
Louise Bordeaux
Louise Bordeaux
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