Tove Lo and SG Lewis Create an Unapologetically Steamy Experience with ‘CLUB HEAT’

Nikola Lamburov
Authentic intimacy at its finest.

Editor’s note: Tove Lo and SG Lewis’s CLUB HEAT champions losing yourself in order to be found. We explored the raw and steamy experience of their new EP “HEAT,” the live shows that enable an intimate connection with the music, and the importance of embracing your authentic self to defy authority and create freely. 

You can see the full tour schedule on Tove Lo’s website to experience CLUB HEAT in person! 

Playboy: The goal of Heat, and the whole EP, seems to be both to lose yourself on the dance floor and to also embrace who you are in the same moment. When was the first time you remember experiencing that moment for yourselves?

Tove: Good question! For me it was when I started at my music high school in Sweden (Rytmus Musikgynamsium). I just remember being surrounded by so many other creatives, queer people and just people who had different views on the world and life from what I grew up with. It was just a feeling of like “Oh, I can go against the norm here, and people will celebrate it and not question or be threatened by it.” So refreshing!

SG: When I was 18 and in my first year at University, I walked into “The Masque,” which is a club in Liverpool where Ben Klock was playing. I remember being blown away by the intensity of the kick drums, and feeling completely lost in the music.

Playboy: Tove, some people have said that you sing about sex for attention, to which you have replied that you do it for the passion and the intensity and the fun of it. In an industry with constant outside pressures, how do you hold onto your authentic self for it to come through so strongly in this EP?

Tove: I think being a full adult at the time my career took off really helped me a lot, if I’m being honest. I was 26 or 27 when “Habits” really hit in a commercial way. Obviously, all of the people that have been on this journey with me—my core fans and team—they know what I’m about; they get it, they see it, they know the nuances.

But for people in general, they really didn’t get it and still don’t (and that’s fine!). To be able to say what I want to say and not dilute it down. I think that comes from having already questioned myself in a million different ways when I was younger. Throughout my whole life I’ve been defying authority. At the end of the day, I know that I’m so proud of everything I’ve put out. I stand behind all of it. I think what keeps me going is that I am being my authentic self, no matter how much pressure I’m under.

Playboy: This EP is raw – and the music video for “Heat” is an entire experience. We can clearly see the steamy, intimate, and powerful result in the video – what was the feeling on set like in between takes?

Tove: Honestly it was one big party! I remember once, in between takes, we had to reset a camera and I just started doing a full-on lip sync performance to my song “Disco Tits.” I was just up there and everyone was dancing together. It was such a vibe! Everyone involved in the video was so open and loving and there to have a good time. You really felt that energy in the room. No one had to fake it for that video.

Playboy: How did David set and maintain the mood?

Tove: What an amazing director! I think David just created the environment that he wanted to be in himself, honestly. We gave him very little direction. We were just like, “This is the essence of the EP. This is the vibe we want to create. You have free reign to make this your own.” And that’s what he did! He invited a lot of his own friends that he loves to work with, and we were shooting at this club we all know well in London (Electrowerkz) which made it super comfortable. The whole cast and crew were made up of a lot of queer people, which always creates a vibe. The whole time we were all just having fun and I think David was having as much fun as we were!

Playboy: Forever Days is meant to be a place to create euphoric moments on the dance floor. What’s your recipe for unlocking that freedom in someone who has the stress of the world gnawing at them? How do people release into the world you and Tove have built?

SG: So many people are drawn to dance music for the escapism and euphoria it can provide. For us, we want to create an immersive experience for the audience so that they can freely express themselves, and do it in a completely safe environment. That means going beyond just curating the music. A lot of time and thought is put into every aspect of this world we’ve created; the space, the people, the performers and everything else that helps to make it a unique, one of a kind experience.

Playboy: We saw in a Reddit AMA that Pineapple Slice was made from scratch in a single day – what did the collab process look like for Heat?

SG: I had the basic chord idea ready for Tove when she got to the studio, so we started trying ideas right away. It took us a couple of tries for Tove to finally land on the hook – but once she had the hook, the process for the rest of the song was incredibly quick!

Playboy: Since we’re talking about collabs – who would you want to work with, outside of your main genre, to create something steamy and unexpected? 

Tove: I would love to work with a really grand, beautiful singer like Shirley Bassey. I’d like to create a blend between classical and dance music. I remember seeing Jamie xx perform at the Hollywood Bowl with the full orchestra behind him. It was so beautiful. They were playing with no click, no midi—just real musicianship happening. It would be so incredible if me and Shirley Bassey could be added into that sort of environment and make something. I wanna hear [starts singing Shirley Bassey’s “(Where Do I Begin) Love Story” Acapella] – like that with a dance beat would be beautiful.

SG: My absolute dream collab would be Sade. Their music is so sensual, and I think would lend itself so beautifully to club music. There are some great Sade remixes out there, but to create something original would be crazy!

Playboy: Many artists, including from what we have heard about you, feel that their first demos are the strongest. How do you preserve the raw emotion of your first demo recordings and translate them to the live experience?

Tove: This is my number one fear before every tour; that I’m not going to be able to capture the fullness of the song with the band. I mean, we always end up doing a great job—but it takes time! The thing with the demo vocals is, if you’re singing it while you’re writing it, and it’s a really emotional song – it’s really hard to replicate that emotion in a performance again. It’s the same as when someone tells you to recreate a song that you already did that everyone loved. You can’t! It already exists. The only time I will re-record something, is when I feel like the emotion I was trying to convey wasn’t coming through enough. Most often, I’ll go in and do doubles and backing vocals and harmonies, and the lead vocal will be the same as I recorded in the demo.

Playboy: You’ve already brought this EP to life with the CLUB HEAT experiences. When’s the next one, and what has the atmosphere and reception been so far? 

SG: The next CLUB HEAT is in San Francisco for Boiler Room on September 27. There’s always a lot of expectation around a boiler room, so the stakes feel pretty high, but I think we are both so excited for it! Then we’re bringing the party to Palm Springs in November for Desert Air, which is going to be sick! 

Playboy: Is the spotlight of a live show lonely? Or do you become a part of everyone there and lose yourself?

Tove: I think because I have my band, and because I’m always playing quite close to the crowd—I definitely feel as one with everyone. I do remember in the beginning when I first started performing it was especially hard in between the songs.

After I had finished talking, I remember thinking “Oh my God, they’re all looking at me!” and “What am I doing with my hands?!” But now, I’m just so comfortable up there, I don’t even think about it—it’s my space! I feel confident—even when something goes wrong! You kind of realize that time doesn’t pass as slowly for the audience as it does for you, with all the adrenaline and heightened emotions around a performance. Over time it’s definitely become less lonely and an amazing space that I like to occupy.

Playboy: We always have to ask – what’s next for you two? Or is that something you’ll leave us on the edge about?

Tove: I think we’re both going to keep CLUB HEAT alive in different places around the world for a little bit. I’m also excited to say I have my first release coming out on my label, Pretty Swede Records that isn’t me! We signed a new artist called googly eyes, together with Neon Gold Records. She’s an incredible artist, writer and producer. She’s doing it all herself! She’s amazing. I’m also going to start writing my next album. I do think that me and SG will continue to make music together because it’s such a special creative partnership, so stay tuned!

SG: I’m excited to get back into the studio and really dive into my next album. Other than that, just throwing some more Forever Days parties, and enjoying the response to HEAT!

You can see the CLUB HEAT experience in person on Tove Lo’s upcoming tour stops and see the full schedule on her website.

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