Q&A: Vanessa Abreu

Vanessa Abreu
Super powers, inspiration, and shrimp tacos, with Brazilian social media influencer Vanessa Abreu.

When Brazilian entrepreneur and influencer Vanessa Abreu isn’t globetrotting, she prefers living the slow and peaceful life. She sat down with Playboy to discuss her unlikely superpower, her inspirations, and why she may just be the perfect example of a Taurus.

Editor’s Note: This interview was originally conducted in Spanish and translated into English. (Para leer el original en español, haz clic aquí.)

Playboy: To start us off, where were you born?

Vanessa Abreu: I was born in Rio de Janeiro. I am Brazilian. I grew up in Paraíba. But I have lived in Mexico for the last 12 years.

Playboy: What was the first thing you ever dreamed of achieving?

Vanessa: To be an actress. It was my biggest dream.

Playboy: Who were the actresses who inspired you?

Vanessa: It wasn’t necessarily actresses who inspired me, but more personalities. Like Oprah Winfrey. Or other strong women.

Playboy: What are you passionate about?

Vanessa: I am passionate about life. Freedom. Everyone who knows me says that I am a free soul.

Playboy: What turns you on?

Vanessa: Transparency. When people are not afraid to be vulnerable, to show who they really are. Their strengths, but also their weaknesses. Whether they are friendships or more intimate relationships. I just like people who are real, because I am real.

Playboy: Describe your perfect day.

Vanessa: Wake me up at whatever time I want. Enjoy a delicious breakfast. Exercise. Have some contact with nature. Receiving a good massage. Having a delicious dinner. I love eating good, I’m a Taurus.[laughs].

Playboy: What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Vanessa: My mom used to say, “Love doesn’t hurt.” I am someone who believes a lot in the power of love, I am very affectionate.

Playboy: What possession do you treasure most?

Vanessa: My family. They’re everything to me.

Playboy: Do you believe in astrology?

Vanessa: Yes. I am Taurus. So I am very strong. But I’m more persistent. Tauruses are often considered stubborn. But I always persist rather than resist. I am someone who lives in my dreams. And anyone who knows me always says, “You’re very sensual.” And Taurus is a very sexual sign.

Playboy: What’s your superpower?

Vanessa: My emotional intelligence.

Playboy: What food do you reach for when you’re feeling blue?

Vanessa: Shrimp tacos with a Michelada.

Playboy: What’s your catchphrase?

Vanessa: “Never give up on your dreams.”

Vanessa Abreu is on The Playboy Club. Talk to her now.

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