Q&A: Vicki Vybes

vicki vybes
We talk memes, life advice, and superpowers with the incredibly popular Playboy Club model.

It may not seem obvious off the bat, but Playboy Club creator Vicki Vybes is full of surprises. She sat down with PLAYBOY to discuss her passions, her secret superpower that’s bound to make her a millionaire, and how her son helps her keep tabs on the ever evolving meme-scape.

PLAYBOY: So to start us off, what are you passionate about?

Vicki Vybes: I’m passionate about being a model and helping people. I love putting smiles on people’s faces. I love entertaining people and just engaging everyone. I love to host.

PLAYBOY: What possession do you treasure most?

Vicki: Whenever I feel like I’m not confident, I always love to play my little chanting box and then it helps me. It plays a little mantra. It just reminds me and puts me back in that confident mood where nothing shakes me.

PLAYBOY: Describe your perfect day.

Vicki: My perfect day would honestly be going on shopping sprees, walking around the town. And then if there’s a beach nearby, I would love to go to the beach and just sit there and hang out, watch the water.

PLAYBOY: People love the beach.

Vicki: How could you not?

PLAYBOY: What food do you reach for when you’re feeling blue?

Vicki: I love sushi so much. It always puts me in a comfortable mood. I love fish and I’ve always loved fish since I was a kid. I like volcano rolls. It’s like a fried roll, and they put scallops on top or shrimp. They can put avocado, too. They put all kinds of shit in there, it’s great.

PLAYBOY: What is your superpower?

Vicki: I’m convinced that I’m psychic and I can definitely read people’s minds, or sense what’s about to happen. One time, there was a football game on, and me and my husband were watching it, and I said, “This score is going to be this.” And he’s like, “Okay. we’ll see.” And exactly that it what I predicted. And I’m like, “We should have gambled on this.”

PLAYBOY: I was about to say, yeah. You should definitely employ that. You’re perceptive. Do you ever dabble with tarot?

Vicki Vybes on a bed
Vicki Vybes

Vicki: I’ve definitely done tarot cards. Every single time I’ve done it—knock on wood—I have been right and I have yet to be wrong.

PLAYBOY: That’s awesome. And to that effect, do you believe in astrology?

Vicki: Absolutely. I want to study more about it. Just how everybody has different personalities, and how the stars align. It all really intrigues me.

PLAYBOY: What meme, tweet, or viral video speaks to you?

Vicki: So, I have a son, and he always shows me all kinds of different memes and he informs me on all the new stuff that’s going on. And there is this one weird song people use in TikToks called Helicopter. Now I have it as my alarm ringtone whenever I wake up.

PLAYBOY: Does it get you out of bed quick?

Vicki: My God, yeah. I’m like, “Okay! I’m awake now.”

PLAYBOY: When your son shows you like these different memes or shows or whatever, do you ever feel completely out of touch with things now?

Vicki: Absolutely. I’m like, “Where did they come up with this stuff?”

PLAYBOY: It’ll happen to us all. We thought we would never become lame adults, but it’s fate.

Vicki: But we have all the wisdom.

PLAYBOY: Yes. It’s a fair trade-off. Who was the first fictional character that you fell in love with?

Vicki: I have to say probably Kairi from Kingdom Hearts. My brother showed me that game and I just absolutely fell in love with that character because of her personality. She’s very selfless. And it just reminded me of who I am because I love to help people, I love putting smiles on people’s faces, and that’s exactly what she does.

PLAYBOY: Love that. What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Vicki: “Be nice.” Honestly! Cuz I’m a firecracker and I go off immediately. But I’ve had to learn to how to slow down.

Vicki Vybes is on The Playboy Club. Talk to her now.

Vicki Vybes in bra
Vicki Vybes
Vicki Vybes
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