It was with a guy named Sammy. I was in ninth grade and I had a big crush on him. He was the hottest surfer, so gorgeous. He lost my number a few times, but I still liked him. On my first date with Sammy, we didn't even kiss. We just hung out. A few days later he asked me for a ride home. We ended up going to his house and eating cereal. It turned out Sammy was the best kisser. That guy taught me a lot about sexuality. He was very sensual and a good lover. He loved having sex with me and I felt the same about him. We would skip school. His mom would be leaving and he'd be like, "Oh, I forgot my wallet." She went to work and we had sex all day long. We'd eat sandwiches and have more sex. He taught me so many things. He would never say, "Don't do this." He'd say, "This is the reason I would do-----" I'd reason to myself, That sounds right. He would see to it that I would understand. We could have sex four or five times a day. He was always horny. And most of the time, I'd be like, "All right," and lie there. I'd be so annoyed, but I'd do it anyway, because we thought we were always going to be together. I was 15.
Jennifer has even more to say about sex at
On the importance of kissing: Kissing used to mean more to me than it does now. I think that's because I haven't been with a great kisser for a while. Kissing is so personal. My sexual secret: Men pretty much like any attention. When I sleep at night with a man, I like to hold his cock. I love to have my hand on it. I like to tickle him, too. It makes him feel relaxed and comfortable. After sex, it must feel amazing to be tickled lightly. I tickle him all around his private areas and between his thighs. I do it because it's what I would like. The favor has never really been returned, but who knows?
Jennifer Rovero