The world of autos is one that never stops moving. Influencer Brianna Boostka can absolutely attest to this perpetuity, as Boostka rallies coast-to-coast, often journeying abroad.
One of the best aspects of car culture is diversity. Brianna understands this wholeheartedly, taking any opportunity she can to expand her automotive network. Seemingly, this blonde bombshell is connected across all facets of the industry.

To say Boostka had a thriving 2024 would be an understatement. With the new year swiftly approaching, she is looking to raise the bar in 2025. Follow along as Brianna speaks to Playboy’s Gabriel Santiago on her journey and numerous upcoming projects.
Playboy: Let’s start at the beginning—where are you originally from?
Brianna Boostka: I’m from a really small town in Northern Vermont, which coincidentally is called Georgia, Vermont. I also lived in Tampa, Florida for college, but now I’m living near the Georgia-South Carolina border.
Playboy: How did you initially fall in love with motorsports?
Brianna Boostka: So, I’m an only child and my dad wanted a boy, but he ended up with me. He was very into domestic cars like Fox Body Mustangs and always in the garage fixing something. Naturally, I would always be out there with him. There’s even photos of me in my diaper in the engine bay, holding tools.
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Playboy: What was your first car?
Brianna Boostka: It was a ‘97 BMW 318i. At the time, it was the coolest car to me and to everybody in my hometown. Obviously, it was a really small place, but no one there had BMWs. I love that car. I put underglow on it. It was in such great condition. I think I bawled my eyes out for days when I sold it.
Playboy: Back to 2024, what were some of your most memorable rallies that you attended this year?
Brianna Boostka: That’s a really tough question. 2024 was the year of rallies for me. I went on four rallies with SQUAD-Driven. Then, I went on goldRush Rally, which was the most exciting experience I think I’ve ever had. I ended the year on Crown Rally. I also went overseas to Italy for Adventure Drives.

Every time you go to a different rally, those same people are there. It’s like a family reunion. Crown Rally was especially great because it was my first time in the Midwest—I had never been to Chicago or Minneapolis!
Playboy: Tell me some of the top attributes of your Mk4 Toyota Supra.
Brianna Boostka: Three or four years ago now, I bought the Supra as a project car. It looked like it belonged in a junkyard. I don’t know if it ran at all for the last 15 years. I don’t know what came over me to think that I could restore and give this car life again, but I decided to and it’s been both the best and worst decision I’ve ever made in my entire car life. I don’t know if I’ll ever do it again, but three years later, it’s finally running.
I painted the Supra in Grigio Telesto, which is a Lamborghini color. From there, I based the entire build off Work Meister wheels. I did that bronze/gun metal combination and it looks amazing! As a sentimental aspect, I put in the exact Bride seats that I had in my Evo 10. I literally bought the seats back from the person I sold the Evo to, so it’s sort of like a little piece of my Evo is with me in my Supra.
Playboy: Can you describe your favorite features of the Audi R8?
Brianna Boostka: The R8 is when I first decided that I was going to get an exotic car. I knew that I wanted one with a manual transmission, and most exotic cars don’t offer that. I wanted it to be a driver’s car. I wanted to still feel like I’m controlling it. I wanted to feel more involved in the driving process and the R8 offers a gated transmission.

Obviously, I wanted the V10 version. I was searching for a long time. I was getting desperate until my friend finally found one for me in L.A. I jumped on a call with the previous owner and literally, the next day, I was out there buying this R8. I was not prepared whatsoever, but it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
I love that my R8 has the VF engineering supercharger on it. That wasn’t a necessity for me at the time since I had never owned a supercharged car—I’ve always had turbo cars. I went out there, drove the R8 and was blown away like, “Holy swear word!” It was right then and there that I converted to a supercharger girl.
Playboy: I see that you also enjoy equestrianism! How did you initially get into horseback riding?
Brianna Boostka: There was a TV show when I was growing up called The Saddle Club. For some reason, I started watching it when I was super young and I went to my mom and I said, “Hey, I want to do this.” My mom took me thinking that I’d grow out of it eventually. Little did she know that started my lifelong journey of horseback riding. In college, I wasn’t able to afford it, but four years ago, I became more financially stable and decided to get back into it. I bought my horse a couple weeks later and we’ve been together ever since.
Playboy: Can you tell me about your experience as a female thriving in male-focused industry like automotive?
Brianna Boostka: That’s a hard question for me because I grew up in this space. For the people who’ve known me the whole way, they have so much respect for me. We’ve always been equals. But for the internet side of people who are just seeing me, I get nasty DMs on the daily. I have a whole entire Instagram page dedicated to my DMs that I receive, so that’s been fun.

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I get the typical comments, and you’re going to hear this from probably any woman in the car scene. “Daddy’s money,” or “It’s your boyfriend’s car,” and “It’s easier for you to get free stuff because you’re a woman.” There’s always going to be a little of that. I think it took me a while to have that realization and that I don’t have to always defend myself. It’s not worth my time. I don’t need to go around proving myself to everyone.
Playboy: Going forward, what should Playboy readers look out for from Brianna Boostka?
Brianna Boostka: Right now is my offseason, but it’s like the calm before the storm. Around spring, everything picks up again. I already have four rallies scheduled with Crown Rally, so I will literally be all around the United States. I love bringing my dog, Karbon, along. He’s going through some things right now, but he has so much fun at the rallies. Of course, he likes riding in the R8. As for one of my 2025 goals, I’m going to be driving and working on my Supra more! I can’t wait to have fun with that.
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