Is Cheryl Hines the Reason RFK Jr. Endorsed Trump?

IMAGO / Dreamstime
Social media politickers speculate on the 'Curb' stars machinations.

Everything about the Robert Kennedy Jr. campaign felt like it could have been a season long Curb Your Enthusiasm arc. But even the fictionalized Larry David can’t touch just how insanely weird Kennedy is, both as a candidate and as a human man. His marriage to Cheryl Hines, who was a mainstay of Curb, invites the comparisons to the HBO comedy, but after the Trump endorsement people are asking: Is Cheryl Hines the reason RFK Jr. endorsed Trump?

Who knows! Trying to decipher what inspires the actions of one of the weirdest and most inscrutable men to ever seek the office of President (and that’s saying something) is a fool’s errand. It hasn’t stopped the social media sphere from speculating Hines’ role in this entire adventure. After her husband suspended his candidacy, she took to X to thank boosters for their support. The comments—once you rifle through the blue checks—is a lot of disappointment.

“Sorry, Cheryl — loved you on Curb but like your husband, you are a huge letdown,” said one disappointed tweet. Another angry responder claimed that if she stayed silent on the Trump endorsement, her “legacy” would be on the line. Her legacy!

The RFK presidential campaign is easily the weirdest in history, dethroning the perennial champion Ross Perot. But the inscrutability of both Kennedy’s policies and general behavior as an off-putting blue blood shouldn’t be taken out on his wife.

To some degree, onlookers can speculate that the campaign was done to peel away votes from the eventual Democratic nominee. RFK Jr. originally ran as a Democrat. Even now, when his support of Trump is out in the open, it’s difficult to assign motivations to the guy. To think that the fake ex-Mrs. Larry David is machinating in the background like Lady Macbeth is, like many of the shows and movies she stars in: quite silly.

Politics, like marriage, are complicated.

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