Q&A: Friutsnacks

Playboy Club model Friutsnacks is a musician, a major creative, and lovely in every way.

Playboy Club model Friutsnacks loves being creative, making music, and adventurous trips to New York. Learn more about her in our Playboy Q&A.

Playboy: Where were you born and what was your upbringing like?

Friutsnacks: I was born and raised in the northwest suburbs of Chicago. The only thing close to me is Chicago, so I go there once in a while. But growing up it was pretty basic life, just kind of simple, going to school and all that.

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Playboy: What has school been like for you?

Friutsnacks: My high school experience was not the greatest. I really stayed to myself a lot of the time. I would choose to eat lunch alone and just journal, but it was the most peaceful part of my day every day.

And as far as college right now, I’m going to community college. And at this point, I’m hoping something just takes off with my career.

Playboy: What’s the first thing that you really dreamed of achieving?

Friutsnacks: I know a lot of people say this, but everyone wants to be an influencer, everyone wants to be a streamer, everyone wants to be a YouTuber, right? But I have a very strong intuition, and I’ve always known I was going to get to this spot. I didn’t know how it would happen or what I would accomplish to get to that point, and I’m very glad that that has happened. So it’s kind of cool to see it play out.

Playboy: What’s your favorite place to travel to or where’s your dream place that you want to travel to?

Friutsnacks: I like New York so much because everywhere is really walkable and everything’s there. I went recently for Fashion Week and that was really cool. All my friends were out there. I got to meet a lot of people. So, just building connections is cool.

In New York and LA, I like it for the scenic areas. I like driving through the mountains. That was really pretty. I liked Malibu. That was really cool. So, I love the influencer feel.

As far as my dream places, I definitely want to go to Alaska. It looks really pretty. There’s really cool caves. Whale watching seems cool. So I’ve always liked that kind of stuff. And then another place would be probably Switzerland.

Playboy: What are you passionate about in your life right now?

Friutsnacks: Currently, I’m very passionate about just being creative. I’ve always been a very creative person, whether that’s making music, journaling, drawing. I recently started making music. So, just finding new ways to express my creativity is really driving me.

Playboy: What would make you want to ghost a love interest, if at all?

Friutsnacks: Probably people who lie for no reason. “I went to the store today” and then they didn’t even go to the store. Just lying to lie. So, that’s definitely something that would be a problem.

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Playboy: What are your turn-ons and turn-offs?

Friutsnacks: I would say green flags is definitely like someone who’s not afraid to be themselves. They don’t hide in their shell. They can express themselves however they want. As far as a red flag or a turnoff, I would just say someone who’s very stubborn and doesn’t want to communicate. Someone who just does things without thinking about the consequences of their actions

Playboy: Describe your perfect day.

Friutsnacks: Going out on vacation. I always take super early flights, whether that’s by myself or with a friend. Let’s just say for example, New York, So, I would land early and then go get something to eat and then before I even check into my hotel, I always go to Soho. I would probably go shopping, meet up with a few friends, and then check into the hotel and then go out again at night. Whether that’s grabbing food, going to a concert, hanging out with friends, just something in a lively environment.

Playboy: What’s the best piece of advice that you feel like you’ve gotten in your life so far?

Friutsnacks: This might sound very basic, but it’s just be yourself. And I know everybody says that, but no one ever takes it as literally as the words “be yourself” means. I used to follow in a lot of people’s tracks, always used to try and fit in. And then it got to a certain point where I was just like, why am I trying to be like other people? That’s not how I truly feel. So after I started expressing myself with music, I started to gain traction from that. Just from being myself.

Playboy: Do you have a comfort show, movie, game, or book that you love going back to over and over?

Friutsnacks: I’m not a huge movie person, but my favorite movie would definitely be Inside Out.

Playboy: What’s your favorite thing to splurge on?

Friutsnacks: Clothes, 100%.

Playboy: What’s a talent that you wish you had?

Friutsnacks: I really like building furniture, I’m very handy. I’m always redoing my room whether that’s painting, putting up shelves, moving stuff around.

Playboy: Do you believe in astrology?

Friutsnacks: I really don’t look into that stuff at all to be honest. I used to have a pretty solid group of friends and they would always be talking about “What sign are you? I knew you were this sign.”

Playboy: What do you think your superpower is and why?

Friutsnacks: How driven I am to do things. If I want to get something done, I’ll get it done. Even if I procrastinate, I will still get it done no matter what. I’m very organized. I have my planner, so I always make sure to get everything done for the day.

Playboy: Are there any topics that you haven’t written about yet in your music you’d like to talk about in the future?

Friutsnacks: I have tried making more lyrical music using my voice and the songs have turned out pretty good. Sometimes I’ll be driving home and I’ll just be singing to SZA. I really like her music, so sometimes I’ll just sing her songs along with her. I turn the music down a little bit so I can hear my voice more and tune it.

Friutsnacks is on The Playboy Club. Talk to her now.


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