Q&A: Lex FlexiBohl

Lex FlexiBohl
Playboy Club model and professional contortionist Lex FlexiBohl tells Playboy about her unusual talents.

Editor’s note: Playboy Club model Lex FlexiBohl is also a professional contortionist. You can read more about that here.

Playboy: To start, where were you born, and what was your growing up experience like?

Lex: I was born here in Arizona. I still live here. And then I actually grew up Mormon the first half of my life. So crazy origin story. And it was very religious. Even when I got my first period, my mom gave me a book to read about it. There was just really no conversation about the human body.

But I’ve always been a free spirit. So, luckily, they allowed me to just do as I wished and accepted me no matter what. But we got excommunicated from the Mormon church when I was around 12, and then I started going to a regular Christian church with my family. And at church camp, I met a girl who wanted to start stripping when we turned 18, but she didn’t wanna go alone. And so that’s how I started in the industry.

Playboy: What was the first thing you remember that you dreamed of achieving?

Lex: I vaguely remember as a little kid just wanting every time I would see, like, circus performers or ice skaters or just anyone that was doing some kind of art flow, I always wanted to do that. 

I remember SeaWorld specifically. I was at SeaWorld for a Girl Scouts trip, and they’d have these people dressed in crazy costumes running on top of an air-filled ball on the water. Ever since then, I’ve leaned towards performing arts and started practicing contortion on my own, when I was around 12. I just wanted to perform and have visual crazy chaos where people are shocked and loud. I got lucky because I’ve been stretching since I was 12. And now that I’m 28, I’m, like, super, super bendy.

LexiFlexiBohl shows off her hair-hanging skills against a tropical background.

Playboy: What’s your favorite place to travel to and why?

Lex: I would have to say California. I know it’s not that crazy, but I go every year to this event called Wasteland Weekend. It’s a 5-day festival based on the Mad Max movies. So you have to go dressed as if you were in the wastes.

But I think the coolest part is the vehicles. People will spend the entire year, Mad Maxing out their cars so they can come drive it out there. And my uncle has this crazy contraption, we call it the chariot. It’s like a two story trailer, and I hang out on the very top and perform while we’re driving around the city. 

Playboy: What makes you happiest right now in your life?

Lex: I would definitely say when I’m training, because it’s more flow and then I’m building up towards a performance. I also just get crazy stares at the gym because I bend all crazy. I just brought my hair hanging equipment into the gym, and people are like, what is she doing? So I do like attention.

Read more: Pro Contortionist Lex FlexiBohl Shares Her Flexibility Secrets

Playboy: What’s one setback women uniquely face, and how do you fight against that?

Lex: I would say, especially in just regular business settings, usually, men don’t really wanna give you credit. Because if you’re smarter than them, especially if you’re younger than them, then they feel threatened. And so then you kind of have to work harder. It’s easier for them to talk and belittle you, so you work two times as hard just to show that you do know what you’re talking about at a younger age.

I combat that by getting them fired at some point. They usually are just so focused on talking negatively that they’re just digging themselves a hole, and then you just have to document what they’re saying and doing, and then? Not a good look. 

Playboy: What turns you on and off?

Lex: I would say a turn on for me is not having to explain anything. Somebody can just kind of pick up on the cues. You know? Like, critical thinking, I feel like it’s not something very common in this day and age. So if somebody can take past experiences that they’ve had with me and actually absorb that knowledge and learn moving forward, I feel like that’s such a turn on. And then the turn off would be having to say the same thing over and over because it’s just not clicking in their head no matter how much you hold their hand. 

Playboy: Describe your perfect day. 

Lex: Let’s see. I would say my perfect day would be waking up probably at 4 AM because I’m insane. And then making breakfast because I like having homemade stuff, but I don’t like doing dishes. So having somebody come clean up after me. And then after my breakfast, I could just go right to the gym and start training and getting my workout in, and then come home, shower, probably hop on one of my sex worker accounts, and make some easy money just having fun and being flirty.

I guess the best way to describe it is Tomb Raider’s Lara Croft, when she’s bungee jumping inside of her living room. That is the perfect thing: Cook my own food, have all the stuff I need inside my house, and then just hop on and work when I want. I love that. That’s really good.

Lex is on The Playboy Club. Talk to her now.

Lex Flexibohl shows off her flexibility in a pretzel twist
Lex FlexiBohl

Lex FlexiBohl
Lex FlexiBohl
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