Scenes From the Art Basel Playboy Art Party

Joey P
A night we'll never forget.

Creatives, curators, and anyone who appreciates fine works of art are flooding the Miami Beach for this year’s Art Basel. And while there are tons of breathtaking events and exhibits featuring all manner of media, none hold a candle to the Art Basel Playboy Art Party, which also featured stylish streetwear from Maison Krew.

Like every party fortunate enough to include Playboy, the night brought plenty of surprises that left guests in awe. VIPs got happily tipsy, enjoying delicious and original cocktails courtesy of Lucky Energy Drinks. Then, there was the amazing multimedia performance “Heartbondange,” performed by the immensely talented Mitya and Marion Crampe.

But no Playboy party would be complete without the iconic Playboy Bunnies. Here’s a peek at some of the night’s highlights.

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