Alicia Fernandez enjoys everything from modeling to crafting her own jewelry. Her Playboy Club content is one-of-a-kind, implementing her authentically lovely personality each step of the way.

Playboy: Let’s start at the beginning—where were you born & raised?
Alicia Fernandez: I was born in West Palm Beach, Florida. From there, I moved to Cumming, Georgia when I was about four years old and I’ve been in that area ever since. I love it. It’s amazing here!
Playboy: Tell me about some of your hobbies.
Alicia Fernandez: I have a lot of random hobbies. I like crafting or any little hobby that gets me going. Growing up, I played softball. I started modeling about three or four years ago. Through it all, I was taught the importance of hard work, kindness and staying grounded with everything. I feel like that’s made me who I am today. It gives me the goal to chase while staying connected to my roots as well. Looking back, I love everything that’s shaped me to who I am.
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Playboy: What are the top aspects about living in Atlanta?
Alicia Fernandez: I would definitely say diversity. Atlanta is very diverse. Also, I love that we experience every season of the weather. There’s so many things to do! I love when I get the opportunity to take somebody to explore that’s never been to Atlanta. All the parks, sceneries—there’s so much to do here. It’s a beautiful city.

Playboy: I hear you like to skateboard! Talk to me about that. Any favorite skaters past or present?
Alicia Fernandez: I have to say Tony Hawk. I’ve always loved him. I did pennyboarding and longboarding when I was a kid. Once I got older, I finally got my own skateboard and started going to the skate park, carving the bowls and everything. I’m a little nervous to do tricks because I’m afraid of bailing hard and not recovering. I go to the skate park to free my mind. If I’m stressed or if I have a long day, I go to the skate park and just skate for hours.
Read More: Protein Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins are Alicia’s Specialty
Playboy: Switching gears, how did your relationship with Playboy come to be?
Alicia Fernandez: I have always loved Playmates, the Playboy models and the overall brand. When I saw that there was an opportunity to be a Playboy Club creator, I immediately hopped on it! I wasn’t really expecting anything, but when I got accepted, it was life-changing. It was a full-circle moment for me. I love the experience and I love Playboy so much.
Playboy: Research says that you’re also a jewelry maker. How did that start?
Alicia Fernandez: As I said before, I love crafts and other hobbies. I always try new things to see what fits for me and I really got into making jewelry. I started by making wire rings with beads, but I wanted to do something more permanent. From there, I loved the idea of spoon rings, so I tried all these different ways to make them. Then, I had a bunch of family and friends wanting to buy. That’s how it became a small business. It’s been great!
Playboy: Are you a sneakers type of girl or one for high heels?

Alicia Fernandez: I am definitely a 50/50 kind of girl. I love both. I wear sneakers going out to the city or when running errands. I’m a sneaker girl at heart. I used to have a big obsession with getting all the trendy Nike shoes, but I also love going out while wearing the highest heels and feeling super pretty. It really just depends on my mood and where I’m going, but I’m definitely right in the middle.
Playboy: What are some aspects of life that make you feel most beautiful?
Alicia Fernandez: I think the most beautiful thing about me — and everybody else — is uniqueness. There’s nobody like me and there’s nobody like you. That in itself makes me feel very beautiful. It’s very nice knowing that there’s something special about that in every single person. That makes everybody beautiful in their own way.
Playboy: Upcoming, what should Playboy readers be on the lookout for from you?
Alicia Fernandez: There’s always a creative, unique and new style of photoshoot around the way. I really love pushing the limits of art and creativity. I feel like that’s not something everyone gets to see or experience. That’s something that I love to incorporate in my modeling with Playboy, as well.
Playboy: Lastly, can you walk me through “a day in the life of Alicia Fernandez”?
Alicia Fernandez: I work at a doggy daycare, so a normal workday for me would be getting up, going to work and going to the gym. Also, I just figured out how to crochet, so that’s a new hobby I do in my free time. If I’m not doing that, I’m usually at a photoshoot or on the Playboy Club! of course. But again, I love my hobbies and I change it up very often. I always like to keep life new and creative!