Plenty of Playboy models are heartbreakers, but Ana Carolina is more of a heart fixer. Ana sat down with Playboy to discuss performing life-saving surgery, being a free-spirited Capricorn, and the lingerie brand she can’t help but splurge on.
Playboy: To start us off, where you born?
Ana Carolina: I was born in Panama on a base. Colin Panama, Central America. My dad was Air Force.
Playboy: How was growing up as a military brat?
Ana: We lived in Panama for just a short period. After he did his mission there, because he was Special Forces, we went to England for four years. And then I came to Virginia. I’ve been in Virginia since I was about eight years old.
Playboy: What did you most enjoy in school?
Ana: Honestly, I am a bit of a nerd when it comes to school. I love math and science, which led me into my career. But I was also a cheerleader, I played field hockey, I ran track. I was always about sports.
Playboy: Can we touch on your career for a second?
Ana: I’m a cardiac electrophysiology technologist. If you want a short version, it would be a CBT. I actually work on hearts. I perform surgery and I insert devices and pacemakers for people with heart arrhythmias. And so I work alongside doctors and we have a team that essentially can get these done within three four hours. But basically, I perform surgery with hearts.
Playboy: Amazing. What makes you happiest?
Ana: The beach. I do a lot of beach, photoshoots. And I love just being near the water, being on a boat. I love fishing. I love traveling. But always near the ocean. I’ve always felt the best and calmest in that area.
Playboy: What are some of your favorite beaches?
Ana: I did a photo shoot in Mexico and I loved it. That beach was just amazing. I’d say Tulum, Mexico and Aruba or my favorite beach locations. I’m supposed to go to Bahamas soon…I love that the water is so clear there.
Playboy: What would make you ghost a potential suitor?
Ana: I don’t like to ghost people, honestly. Because I’ve been ghosted. But I think if I was to ghost someone, it would have to be over not being a gentleman. I think that you should treat a female a certain way. I’d say I’m very old school in that sense.
Playboy: Describe your perfect day.
Ana: My perfect day would be getting up when I want, having an amazing smoothie with lots of fruit, and then I get ready for the beach. I put on my bikini and have zero cares in the world! Just go out to lay by the ocean. And then maybe do a photoshoot. Once that’s over with, I’d love to watch the sunset and eat sushi.
Playboy: Sounds perfect to me. Who is a woman that inspires you?
Ana: I would say a woman that inspires me is my sister. She is very strong. She’s younger than me and she’s taught me more than I’ll ever know. But, she’s also very calm, very level-headed. She’s younger than me but I look up to her.
She did a lot of things younger than me. Like with schooling…she’s on her masters and she just won’t stop. She’s very aggressive in what she wants in life. And I’m very envious of that. She’s got that fire and desire to get further in life.
Playboy: What food do you reach for when you’re feeling blue?
Ana: I love ice cream. Rocky road or vanilla. And I love toppings. Syrup and whipped cream. Mmm.
Playboy: What’s your favorite thing to splurge on?
Ana: I love bikinis, lingerie sets, shoes and purses. But I mean, if I had to pick one thing, I would pick lingerie. I love Honey Birdette, especially. I recently worked with them. Their sets are very classy, but sexy.
Playboy: What’s a talent you wish you had?
Ana: The ability to know more than one language. My father knows about four languages. I would love to know French. I think French is a romantic language. It’s beautiful. And I know some Spanish because of my mother, but I’m not fluent.
Playboy: Do you believe in astrology?
Ana: I do. I’m a Capricorn, but I’m on the cusp of that. I feel as though my spirit is wild. Capricorns are mainly business, strictly all about getting things done. But I enjoy being fiercely free spirited. I love to feel unrestrained, like a Sagittarius. All my houses are in Scorpio. I feel like I’m highly sexual, and very driven like they are. Yeah, I’m a Capricorn, but I’m also just a free spirit.
Playboy: What is your superpower?
Ana: My superpower I think is being able to hyperfocus on something. Like, with surgery, I almost feel like I’ve done it before and in a past life. It’s something that comes naturally to me, the ability to hyperfocus to save someone. I can react in an instant.
Playboy: That is one hell of a superpower.
Ana: I’m able to do emergency pacer surgery in a certain amount of time. And if someone’s heart rate is dropped, or we go to arrest. I’m able to react and save their heart. It’s a great ability have.
Ana Carolina is on The Playboy Club. Talk to her now.