Q&A: Cherry Cream

Cherry Cream
The tatted beauty dishes on Biblically accurate angels, her Super Mario obsession, and more.

Cheerful and cheeky Playboy Club creator Cherry Cream loves art so much that she’s turned her body into a walking canvas. She sat down with us to talk about her favorite tats, living spiritually, and the video game she loves streaming during her Playboy Live shows.

PLAYBOY: To start us off, where are you from?

Cherry Cream: I’m from South Carolina. But we moved, for my boyfriend’s job at the time. We wanted some space away from family, because we didn’t really agree with them. We needed some space.

PLAYBOY: And how did your Playboy Club journey start?

Cherry Cream: That’s a good question, because, you know, I’m wondering the same thing. I had the app downloaded on my phone, and then one day I just logged in, made an account, and went live. And that’s kind of how it just all started.

PLAYBOY: So did it all come naturally for you then?

Cherry Cream: Yeah, kind of already knew what I was doing, so it was a lot easier for me to get into it than it would for someone who’s brand new to it all.

PLAYBOY: What was the first thing you ever dreamed of achieving?

Cherry Cream: Working for myself. Being able to do what I want to do, but be myself at the same time.

PLAYBOY: What are you passionate about?

Cherry Cream: I love art. I’m really passionate about tattoos. That’s really how I express myself. Getting artwork done somewhere on my body.

PLAYBOY: You have so many! Is there one that personifies you more than the others?

Cherry Cream: Yes. There’s one on my arm, it’s called a seraphim. It’s a biblical angel. I’m very spiritual. I like anything to do with the spiritual realm in general. So meditation, mediums, stuff like that. So this one really represents spirituality in my life, and it means a lot to me.

PLAYBOY: Describe your perfect day.

Cherry Cream: Beach days. I live pretty close to the beach, so I really like going there and just relaxing and enjoying the waves, the sand. Listening to music and just chilling. I’m simple to please.

PLAYBOY: What’s a talent you wish you had?

Cherry Cream: I wish I could sing. That would be awesome. I love singing around the house. but I’m not the best singer. I still do it, but I have one song that’s been stuck on my mind.

PLAYBOY: What’s your favorite thing to splurge on?

Cherry Cream: I have so many clothes it’s actually ridiculous. I’m a mixture of everything really. I’m a fan of Garden Bell. It’s like a hippie brand that I shop from every once in a while. I normally shop on the website, but they have a small shop somewhere in Washington. I’d love to go visit it someday. Everything is handmade, it’s very authentic and colorful. I’m a very colorful person. I like to mix up my style a lot. So one day I could be super dark and black, and then the next day I want to wear a lot of color.

Cherry Cream tattoos
Cherry Cream

PLAYBOY: Do you consider yourself a hippie?

Cherry Cream: I’m a very peaceful person. I like to do a lot of grounding outside, being outdoors is where I’m happiest. So, if I can get my booty outside, I would much rather be doing that than sitting in watching TV or playing games or anything like that.

PLAYBOY: To that end, is there a show, a movie, or a game that you’re currently obsessed with?

Cherry Cream: I’m in love with my Nintendo Switch at the moment. I love anything to do with Mario, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, especially. I play a lot of Switch during my Playboy Live shows. Which people tend to love…it keeps the crowd entertained.

PLAYBOY: I’m curious, who’s your favorite Mario character?

Cherry Cream: Shy Guy. I actually have a tattoo of him. I really like horror movies and the Scream movies are my favorite. So, I have a tattoo of a Shy Guy in a Ghost Face outfit. Plus, he’s cute. The little noises he makes? I love it.

PLAYBOY: Do you believe in astrology?

Cherry Cream: Yes, I do. I’m not the best with knowledge about it, but I do love astrology. I’m a Pisces, so I definitely like to hear anything about Pisces. I believe that my personality is very much like…typical Pisces. I’m artistic, outgoing, kind, giving—all those things.

PLAYBOY: Hot dogs or hamburgers?

Cherry Cream: Hamburgers. And I like everything on my hamburger. Lettuce, tomato, ketchup, mustard, mayo, pickles—all of it. Onions!

PLAYBOY: What meme, tweet, or viral video speaks to you?

Cherry Cream: The video of that little kid that goes, “It’s Corn!” It makes me laugh every time I hear it.

PLAYBOY: It’s a classic. What’s your stance on corn, I wonder?

Cherry Cream: Yes, actually I love corn. The food and the band.

PLAYBOY: What’s the best piece of advice you were ever given?

Cherry Cream: It’s important to just truly be yourself, no matter what. Because at the end of the day, the only person you can make happy is yourself. And if that requires you to be a little weird and a little different, who cares? Because it’s done nothing but make me who I am today. And I couldn’t be any more proud of that.

Cherry Cream is on The Playboy Club. Talk to her now.

Cherry Cream
Cherry Cream
Cherry Cream
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