Playboy Creator Chloe Jane is the greatest Australian invention since the Tim Tam. She sat down with us to gab about rediscovering passions, being a bonafide Sagittarius, and what U.S. state reminds her most of home.
Playboy: To start us off, where were you born?
Chloe Jane: Brisbane, Australia. I actually grew up on a little island off of Brisbane. It was interesting. I grew up in a very small town, everybody knew everybody. It’s one of those places where it’s just like a bubble. You just know everyone around you since birth.
Playboy: What was the first thing you ever dreamed of achieving?
Chloe: The first thing I ever dreamed of achieving was traveling to the United States. I’ve always dreamed of going to New York. I’m currently in Miami right now but I’ve pretty much seen all the main cities of the states this year.
Playboy: Any big standouts?
Chloe: Honestly…Miami. I have been to LA and New York now but Miami surprisingly is where I feel just like the most at home.
Playboy: Is Miami comparable at all to Australia?
Chloe: Yeah, I think that’s why I feel the most at home…just being by the beach. I don’t know what about it specifically, but yeah, it’s very similar to Australia, but with more going on. I like to think it’s like Australia on steroids.
Playboy: What are you passionate about?
Chloe: Since I’ve started modeling [On The Playboy Club]—it’s like— I’ve unlocked this whole new life for myself and I’m rediscovering all of my passions. For example, I used to do art when I was a teenager and I hadn’t touched a sketchbook for about six years now because life just got in the way.

Playboy: That’s awesome. What turns you on?
Chloe: In general…people with aspirations. I love discovering new people that have tapped into realizing that there’s so much more to life than what we get presented in black and white in front of us. People who travel, people that are open minded. People that aren’t judgmental, especially in this industry.
Playboy: Do you believe in astrology?
Chloe: I do believe in astrology. I’m a Sagittarius. So I’m always on the run. I can’t stay standing still. So I guess people that just aren’t really have ambitions to make their life. A lot of conversations I’ve had lately…so many people have just been like, “Are you a Sagittarius?”
Playboy: What about you screams Sagittarius?
Chloe: I’ve been traveling for two years now. I kind of can’t really stay in one spot for too long. I traveled by myself as well. I kind of just started and then once I started, I realized I didn’t really need anyone else with me. If you’re waiting for those trip plans to leave the group chat, it will probably never happen. You can just book that flight yourself. Ever since then the Sagittarius in me came out, I can’t stay in a place for longer than a month without just leapfrogging to my next thing.
Playboy: What was the last thing you Googled?
Chloe: The last thing I Googled was shooting range Miami because I’ve never shot a gun before, so I wanted to do that while I’m on this trip.
Playboy: What food do you reach for when you’re feeling blue?
Chloe: Birria tacos.
Playboy: What’s your favorite thing to splurge on?
Chloe: I don’t buy that many materialistic things because I’m very limited to just my suitcase. But I think my biggest splurge is plane tickets.
Playboy: What’s the best piece of advice you were ever given?
Chloe: Don’t limit yourself to others beliefs and expectations.
Playboy: What tweet or viral video speaks to you?
Chloe: That’s a tough one. I feel like it’s constantly changing every single week. I have a brain rot sense of humor now because my social media feed is all Twilight memes.
Playboy: That’s awesome, what’s your favorite Twilight meme?
Chloe: “Bella, Where the hell you been loca?”
Playboy: That’s a classic. Who was the first fictional character you fell in love with?
Chloe: Peter Pan. I love a tan, beachy looking guy. I also just like the bad boy main character. That always did it for me.