Q&A: Claudia Rose, of Steelers Streaking Fame

Claudia Rose
Claudia Rose, unapologetic on the football field and even more off the field.

Playboy Club model Claudia Rose hit viral fame this week after streaking during a Steelers game with a sign in support of the Trump campaign. In our Q&A with her, we talk why being average is her biggest fear, what her superpower is, and how to make her happy on a date.

Playboy: Where were you born, and what was growing up like for you?

Claudia: I was born & raised in the suburbs of Pittsburgh PA, about 15-20 minutes from downtown. I’ll always have love for my hometown but I hated living there. I do think it made me who I am today, some may say I need medication but I’m just me, baby.

Playboy: What was the first thing you ever dreamed of achieving?

Claudia: I’ve never dreamed of achieving anything specific, all I’ve wanted was to have freedom & be happy. 

My biggest fear is being average. I’ve always known I meant for something more. I’ll never be a 9-5 girl. I have unlimited respect to all our hard workers out there who do those jobs, but there has always been this fuel inside of me that would never settle to just work all day to pay off debt and spend my weekends at the bar to relieve stress from work and start all over again on Monday.

I just always felt this fire inside me that I’m meant to make an impact. When I die, I want my name to be remembered. Not because of selfish reasons, but because I have a fear of being average. A lot of people crave that and I respect that it wants stability. They want the white picket fence and they want the guaranteed salary for me. I don’t know what it is that God put in my heart, but I just could never do it and I give mad props to the people that do because you’re the backbone of America.

Playboy: What turns you on and off?

Claudia: A turn on for me is a guy that values me for more than just my looks and actually follows through on his word. I’m very big on action because men will tell you anything to get in your pants so show me what you’re about because I know what I’m about and I know what I bring to the table… I like a gentleman to hold the door for me, pay for dinner, plan dates. I want a man to act like a man, protect me, make me feel safe and if someone catcalls me, beat the shit out of them. Our country has gone so downhill that we have been out here doing TikTok dances. I want a man who will have me on his arm and I know that no matter what happens, I feel safe provided for and protected.

Playboy: What do you think your superpower is?

Claudia: I will always make shit happen. Tell me no and I’ll find a way. Tell me I could never do something, and I’ll prove you wrong. 

I actually got kicked out of the stadium prior to when I ran on the field because I had to get medication out of my car. I was given specific permission and police escorted because I knew there was no re-entrance after you left. They gave me an escort and allowed it. Well, then they told me that they would arrest me if I came back and went back on their word. I went to about five different gates, leaning into bars, talking to waitresses and guess what? I found a random woman to open the door and I got myself right back in that stadium. And if they were gonna arrest me for getting medication, then I was gonna make sure I got arrested for a good reason and I ran right out on that field.

Playboy: What would make you ghost a potential love interest?

Claudia: If you ever hit me with “You can pull up if you want, we can get dinner after or something,” BYE. Try this instead: “I want you to here. I’ll pick you up, let me know how long you need to get ready and I’ll make a reservation.” I will never be treated as an option when I know I should be a priority. I have no time for games.  Stop acting like we’re in high school. Be a man. Make the plans. Stand on your business. Hold the door for me. Tell me what we’re doing when we’re doing it and make me feel wanted. Period. We’re not in high school. Stop trying to play cool. Making an effort is cool. Trying to wait three days to text back is some lame, 16-year-old type shit. Grow up and know how to be a man and know how to treat a woman.

Playboy: Where are your favorite places you’ve traveled? What’s your dream vacation?

Claudia: So I know this is so basic bitch of me, but my absolute favorite place I’ve ever traveled to is Paris and I’ve accidentally gone back like 15 times. I would love to explore the world, but I just keep going back there and I’ve had the craziest adventures there. We’re going to make a 2025 New Year’s resolution that I stop doing that so I can actually see more of the world because I’ve got a big list!

As far as my dream vacation, it depends on whether it’s the city or beach. If we’re talking beach, I would love to go to Bora Bora or maybe the Maldives. If we’re talking city, I would love to go to Singapore or Tokyo.

Playboy: Describe your perfect day.

Claudia: Napping. 

Claudia is on The Playboy Club. Talk to her now.

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Claudia Rose
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