The big island of Hawaii is known for its scenic views and diverse ecology. One of its most gorgeous sights is fitness coach and Playboy Club creator Faith, who sat down with us to talk heritage, impulse purchases on social media, and how a childhood crush on David Bowie led to a lifetime passion for fashion.
PLAYBOY: To start us off, where were you born?
Faith: I was born on the big island of Hawaii. I’m from Waimea, which is a small town up country. Contrary to what people typically associate Hawaii with, it’s actually full of pastures, cows, and horses. So, I grew up in a very country rodeo culture. We grew up off of the land, going hunting, or going fishing. And I loved it. I come from a small town so I feel that naturally, I wanted to reach for higher aspirations.
PLAYBOY: What did you most enjoy in school?
Faith: Growing up in Hawaii kind of invigorated that ambition that I had when I was younger, but it also taught me how to be down to earth and to stay humble.And so that helps me stay grounded while I’m trying to achieve goals or success in life. II was quite the nerdy kid growing up. But, I did enjoy literature and art more so than math. I graduated high school early around, 16 and then I finished college at 19. So academia is a big passion of mine, just a real love of learning.
PLAYBOY: What would make you ghost a potential suitor?
Faith: If they were the sort of person that was not attentive to their family…family is a huge priority for me, personally. Someone who puts friends, who puts family first. That’s a prerequisite for me for any suitor.
PLAYBOY: What are you passionate about?
Faith: Fitness and fashion. I own my own coaching business, where I help women reach their fitness goals. But my previous professional background was in luxury goods such as jewelry and lingerie.
PLAYBOY: What is the best piece of advice you were ever given?
Faith: There was a phase in my life where I was in a bodybuilding competition. And I was training with my coach, and basically mentally not there one day. He said something along the lines of “If you transform your mind, the body will follow through with it.” And that’s kind of been a trademark of my approach to coaching.
PLAYBOY: Who is a woman that inspires you?
Faith: It’s so cliche but I would say my mom, my grandma, and my great grandma after that. I’m very close with my family and I’m very family oriented. I’m the fourth generation of immigrants in Hawaii. So my great-great-grandparents were the ones who immigrated to Hawaii.
And one of my favorite stories that I love to share is about my great grandma who came to Hawaii from the Philippines. She was a florist at this boutique shop called Watanabe Florals. And it sounds light-hearted, but it was actually a very hard job, especially during that time where her and my grandpa were immigrants. So it’s been really inspiring to kind of see her build a life for me and my family. And the fact that I get to do things like being interviewed in PLAYBOY…it’s just very inspirational for me.
PLAYBOY: What’s your favorite thing to splurge on?
Faith: I love luxury goods…my guilty pleasure. Walking into an Hermes store, or just window shopping at Bloomingdales. Shoes, fashion, a nice coat. It’s the fall time lately, so boots as of recently. I bought a fur coat the other day. Funny enough, that was not a luxury item, and that was actually off of TikTok shop. It was on sale for 50% off and I just needed to have it.
PLAYBOY: What meme, tweet, or viral video speaks to you?
Faith: Recently, Jake Paul had gifted Mike Tyson a pigeon. And Mike Tyson was basically saying that the pigeon was of low pedigree and he was going to feed it to his falcon. Which I found hilarious and really fascinating. I didn’t know Mike Tyson had a passion for birds, and I love that. That’s inspiring that he has such a peaceful outlet. I love animals. It’s my dream to go to Tanzania and to go to Africa and do all the safaris.
PLAYBOY: What’s a talent you wish you had?
Faith: I know that is so stereotypical of me. I’m full Filipina, and usually Filipinos have the most amazing, beautiful voices. I unfortunately was not blessed with that.

PLAYBOY: Do you sing anyway?
Faith: No, because I’m that bad [laughs]!
PLAYBOY: Do you believe in astrology?
Faith: I’ll tell you my big three. My sun sign is Virgo and my moon and my rising sign are in Aquarius. and funny enough, my Venus is in Leo. So, I like to say that everything is a huge contradiction.
PLAYBOY: Who was the first fictional character you fell in love with?
Faith: I had an obsession with David Bowie, and I loved the movie Labyrinth. It was such a peculiar movie and kind of gave you the ick, which is half the fun. I fell in love with the Goblin King, and then it evolved into David Bowie, and then I fell in love with his wife Iman. And I got into fashion because she was a supermodel.
Faith is on The Playboy Club. Talk to her now.