Creative director, producer, entrepreneur, and Playboy Model Jackie Potter is positively electric. Jackie’s hilarious charm reveals why she’s one of Playboy’s most active creators. She sat down with me to discuss what turns her on, her unlikely superpower, and the viral video trend she (unfortunately) relates to.
Playboy: To start us off, where were you born?
Jackie Potter: I was born in Chicago. So, originally from the northern suburbs of Chicago, Lake Forest. But then I moved to LA in 2020. I bought a one-way flight and got out because I just couldn’t do the cold anymore.
Playboy: I ask this of every Playboy model that grew up in Chicago. What is your Portillo’s order?
Jackie: My goodness! The cheese fries are insane. If you haven’t had them, They’re these kind of crinkle fries salted to perfection. Also, the Italian beef with peppers. Seriously incredible. I haven’t had it in so long. I need to go to Portillo’s when I’m back for Thanksgiving.
Playboy: What makes you happiest?
Jackie: Just doing the things that I love and being creative and having fun. And my boyfriend, my friends, and my family. All those wholesome things. It’s just about really focusing on keeping your circle small and giving to those that give back to you.
Playboy: What turns you on?
Jackie: My boyfriend’s huge dick! He gives me the best sex of my life [Laughs]. That’s what turns me on the most. But also, I just I think he’s super confident and kind. I like being told no, too. Being put in my place and told no. And he’s kind of one of the first guys that’s ever done that. And so that really turns me on.
Playboy: What turns you off?
Jackie: I just can’t handle that when people are too overbearing. And I think that is a major turnoff. And then I mean I feel like this goes without saying, but body odor. And then sometimes speaking too vulgar.
I had this guy sitting next to me on a flight and he turned to me because I was sitting in the aisle. And he goes, “I need to go take a leak.” And I thought that was the most repulsive thing I’ve ever heard.
Playboy: Describe your perfect day.
Jackie: I would wake up, have sex with my boyfriend, then get coffee. Probably have shoots slated for that day. Maybe go to a heated room or do a yoga pilates class. Get my journaling in. Just doing those healthy things for myself helps me then be really productive in what I want. I would probably be on set that day modeling because I model and I love being creative again. I love what I do.
Playboy: What possession do you treasure most?
Jackie: I feel like I’ve learned that material objects and possessions in that sense, they just don’t really matter. The people that I love, my boyfriend, my friends, and my family, plus the memories…these are the things that I cherish the most.
Playboy: What’s your superpower?
Jackie: I think that it’s my authenticity and my trustworthiness. Sometimes, that can get lost and it’s harder to find. And sometimes it’s hard to be super honest with the way that you’re feeling or setting boundaries or handling things like that. It can be really scary. And so, I think I’ve learned to grow into this superpower, that is still a work in progress and probably will always be a work in progress.
Playboy: Do you believe in astrology?
Jackie: I’m a Scorpio, so we’re really sexy. We’re super mysterious and I’m pretty emotional. I’m learning how to deal with that, too. But we’re also just really honest and loyal. Especially when it comes to relationships and people. I mean, if I ride with you, I will support you, have your back through anything.
Playboy: Describe the perfect slice of pizza.
Jackie: It wouldn’t be too thick, because obviously I’m from Chicago and deep dish is amazing. But I love when it’s not too thick, not too thin, not too saucy. It’s the perfect amount of everything evenly spread out. And then honestly, these days I am just obsessed with pepperoni. Not too much. And a little bit of grease. I like the grease. I’m not going to put a paper towel on it and pat out the grease.
Playboy: Absolutely. What’s your catchphrase?
Jackie: My dad taught me two things. “If you make sure everyone you’re with has the best night of their lives, you will have the best night of your life,” and then number two is “People will not remember how what you said to them, but they will forever remember how you made them feel.”
I’m just big about making people feel really comfortable because it can be a scary world we live in. And I just want others to feel good about themselves, too.
Playboy: What meme, tweet, or viral video speaks to you?
Jackie: There was this one trend on TikTok that was basically about getting into a relationship and realizing you’re the problem. And I fully relate to that. I feel like now that I’ve been in a great relationship, it’s just I’m seeing all of these issues that I have within myself and how crazy I truly am.
Because again I’m a Scorpio. And sometimes it’s hard for me to admit that I’m wrong or apologize and things like that. So, I really resonate with that because I’m realizing how I am in a lot of ways. I have a lot of work to do, but I’m working on it.
Jackie Potter is on The Playboy Club. Talk to her now.