When Pacific Northwest darling and Playboy Club creator Kaylabud isn’t lighting up a live event, she’s at home painting grisly scenes or exploring abandoned buildings. She sat down with us to discuss being a proud Gemini, childhood crushes, and more.
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PLAYBOY: To start us off, but where were you born?
Kaylabud: I was born in Virginia, but I grew up in Tucson, Arizona. I didn’t like it that much. I don’t like the heat.
PLAYBOY: What makes you happiest?
Kaylabud: Being able to bring people together, make them all get along. I just love to host events and make people smile.
PLAYBOY: Describe your perfect day.
Kaylabud: Hanging out with friends, of course. They come over, we make breakfast, watch TV, maybe a few movies, then we go explore some abandoned buildings.
PLAYBOY: Wow. Do you explore abandoned buildings a lot? Sounds like a fairly interesting hobby.
Kaylabud: I’m really into urban exploration. I went to the underground Los Angeles bank vault, which was made in the ’20s. And an abandoned movie theater. It’s a lot of fun.
PLAYBOY: What possession do you treasure most?
Kaylabud: Maybe my paintings and art. My favorite one is—imagine a person sitting down, and there’s a head that’s like eating the person’s head. Basically, someone eating themselves.
PLAYBOY: Describe your perfect slice of pizza.
Kaylabud: Okay, this is perfect cuz I used to work at a pizza place. It’s called a PSR. Pepperoni, salami, and ricotta. Really good.
PLAYBOY: Who was the first fictional character you fell in love with?
Kaylabud: Let’s see….Raven from Teen Titans. She is super emo, and I’m like that too. And she’s the daughter of a demon. So am I [laughs].
PLAYBOY: Love that. do you believe in astrology?
Kaylabud: I’m a Gemini. They say we’re two-faced, but really I think it’s just we have a different sides. We become someone different when you get on our bad side.
PLAYBOY: What was the last thing you Googled?
Kaylabud: That’s easy. Louis Vuitton. I’m visiting the store in New York City. Have you seen it? It looks like a giant Louis Vuitton suitcase. Can’t wait.
Kaylabud is on The Playboy Club. Talk to her now.