After Canadian cutie Kenz Rose’s sister Maddie rose to Playboy Club stardom, Kenz followed suit and became a hit in her own right. The creator sat down with us to chat about her PLAYBOY origin story, dipping her toes in Chinese social media apps, and why she’s passionate about freedom.
Playboy: So to start us off, where are you from?
Kenz Rose: I’m from Nova Scotia. I enjoyed it as a kid. It was pretty quiet. Not a whole lot to do, but I really enjoyed the outdoors.
Playboy: Obligatory Nova Scotia question: do you live near a lighthouse?
Kenz: [Laughs] Pretty close. About 30 minutes away.
Playboy: What was the first thing you ever dreamed of achieving?
Kenz: I really wanted to be a competitive gymnast. That was probably the first thing I wanted I was a little girl. And it ended up happening. I competed a little, but nothing too big. The furthest that I went would have been nationals. I always wanted to go to the Olympics, but I ended up with some pretty bad injuries and that wasn’t really in the question anymore.
Playboy: How did you get started with PLAYBOY?
Kenz: My sister is the one who started first and I kind of hopped on board with her after that. And I’m so glad that she got started, because it’s definitely changed my life. She definitely showed me the way.
Playboy: What do you obsess about?
Kenz: That’s a good question. I get very obsessed with routine, I would say, is probably the main thing. I really like to have a pretty strict routine with myself and do the same thing like every day. But I’m passionate about freedom. For me, it means financial freedom, but also freedom with expressing myself. And I feel like that’s kind of what I’ve been given through Playboy.
Playboy: That’s awesome. What’s the best piece of advice you were ever given?
Kenz: I would say probably the advice that “Comparison is the thief of joy.” I know we hear that one all the time, but especially in this industry…It’s very easy to compare yourself and your body or what you have financially—anything really—to what others have. I think that’s something I try to really appreciate. My own achievements and qualities.
Playboy: What turns you on/off?
Kenz: For me I would say when somebody is funny. Intellect and a good sense of humor is a must. As far as what turns me off, arrogance. I really can’t stand that. If someone is really conceited? I’m not into that at all.
Playboy: Do you believe in astrology?
Kenz: Depends on the day. Like, I’m interested in it. I have all the apps and whatnot and sometimes, of course, it goes with my life. It can be fun! I’m a Leo, and we’re usually pretty bold, outgoing, which I feel is true. But for me, it’s usually only when I’m comfortable around people. That side of me really does come out with my friends and family.
Playboy: What food do you reach for when you’re feeling blue?
Kenz: Old El Paso Frozen Taquitos with sour cream is my absolute favorite thing.
Playboy: Who is a woman that inspires you?
Kenz: There are so many. If I had to pick one though, honestly, my mother. I would say her resilience. She definitely had a hard time in life, but always picked herself up, every single time. All with a smile on her face.
Playboy: What was the last thing that you Googled?
Kenz: Probably something on Google Translate, because I’m on Red Note now because of this TikTok ban. It’s no longer in effect, but everybody was switching over there because there for a second.
Playboy: Did you pick up any Chinese while you were on Red Note?
Kenz: No, it was like a two-day affair and now I’m back on TikTok.
Playboy: Who was the first fictional character you fell in love with?
Kenz: Honestly, it probably would have been a Bratz doll when I was really young. I can’t think of their names, though [laughs].
Kenz Rose is on The Playboy Club. Talk to her now.