Kris Rizzo aka “Angel from Outer Space” is one of the Playboy Club’s fastest rising models. However, Kris is more than a pretty face; the Canadian native is a talented actress as well. Follow along as she chats to Gabriel Santiago about her favorite music, best places to visit, experience shooting with Playboy, upcoming projects and more.

Playboy: Let’s start at the beginning—where were you born & raised?
Kris Rizzo: I grew up in a small Ontario town near Niagara Falls called Sherkston. Currently, I’m living in Toronto.
Playboy: What’s a random factoid about yourself that makes you unique?
Kris Rizzo: I listen to a lot of music from the 1950s. I mostly go for love songs from artists like Nat King Cole or Etta James.
Playboy: Tell me a couple cities that you love traveling to.
Kris Rizzo: Ooo that’s a tricky question. I’d have to say I love traveling anywhere that’s warm and bonus points if it has a beach!
Playboy: How did your relationship with Playboy come to be?
Kris Rizzo: I always loved doing boudoir photoshoot collaborations to build my modeling portfolio. One day, the photographer I was shooting with, Daniel Hadfield, suggested I submit to Playboy. A week later, I was in!

Playboy: What was your overall experience doing a Playboy shoot?
Kris Rizzo: It’s been great from the start. I can show off my love for boudoir. It’s liberating to be so vulnerable with the camera. It’s an open-minded safe space to be yourself and show off your sexuality.
Playboy: As a performer and entertainer, what is it about acting and being on camera that brings you joy?
Kris Rizzo: People have always told me I’m photogenic and that the camera loves me, but I guess for me it’s more about capturing real emotions and the beauty of connecting with the viewers. I love going to the cinema and being touched by how the actor brought a character to life in their performance. I’ve wanted to do that for others ever since I saw Cameron Diaz in The Mask as a child.
Playboy: How would you describe your fashion style?
Kris Rizzo: I’m quite fashionable when I want to be. Everyday, I wear what I feel like and some days, I end up dressing like Adam Sandler. However, the days that I get to be in a bikini are the best.

Playboy: Talk to me about “Angels From Outer Space.”
Kris Rizzo: “Angel from Outer Space” is my username on the Playboy Club, but it’s also my personal brand. It all started with my love for lingerie and always wanting to start a line of my own, especially after watching Margot Robbie in The Wolf of Wall Street. That dream is coming to life—I hope to launch very soon with my first body jewelry line!
Playboy: Upcoming, what should Playboy readers be on the lookout for from you?
Kris Rizzo: Look out for me on the big screen! I have a new talent agent who I’m very excited about. I’m hoping to shoot this movie over summer 2025. The film may or may not be mafia related.
Playboy: Lastly, walk me through “a day in the life of Kris Rizzo.”
Kris Rizzo: I usually wake up when the sun wakes me up. I always start with time for myself by reading or meditating. After that, I head to the gym and depending on what’s on the schedule—maybe a photoshoot or chatting on Playboy! But every day is different. I live in the present moment, so I go wherever life leads me.