Phoebe used to fly around the world before she began her adventures with Playboy. She sat down with us recently to talk guilty pleasures, turn ons, and her favorite destinations on earth.
Playboy: Where were you born?
Phoebe: I was born in Cornwall, England.
Playboy: How did you become a Playboy Club Creator?
Phoebe: So I’m actually a new Creator. I have two friends, one American and one English, who do Playboy. I’ve always just loved the brand. It’s always been such a little fantasy of mine to be a part of it. I used to watch the movies, the series, and I’ve always thought about it—and it wasn’t until my friend recently did it that I just bit the bullet and I thought yeah, this is my journey.
Playboy: Who inspires you and why?
Phoebe: I feel like this is such a typical answer, but my mom. I can’t even think of anybody else to try and come up with a creative answer. She had us at such a young age she spent her whole life being a mother. That’s all she knows. She’s the most giving person I’ve ever met in my life. I am giving, but not as much as her. She just gives everything to everybody else and she always puts herself last.
Playboy: What is your guilty pleasure?
Phoebe: This is when I’m home alone—I love a good shower sing. I have a certain little playlist that includes artists like Amy Winehouse. I just love to belt out in the shower when no one’s listening and yeah, that’s my little happy place.
Playboy: What is your favorite movie?
Phoebe: My favorite movie is definitely A Star Is Born. I cry during that movie every single time. I think I’ve watched it about 50 times. So if I’m ever in a sad mood, I just want to get Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and watch that movie. The soundtrack makes me cry every time.
Playboy: Where is your favorite place that you’ve traveled to?
Phoebe: I used to be a cabin crew member for an airline as an air hostess for two years, so I’ve been pretty much everywhere. My favorite place in the whole world is Florida—it has my heart. When I was younger, we’d go quite a lot to Miami or Orlando and it’s just always been my favorite place. I love the weather, the people are so nice, I love Disney World, and I just love the magic of the state. I could say Singapore or the Bahamas—they’re all great. But every single time I go back to Florida, I can’t wait to go back again.
Playboy: What is your wellness and fitness routine?
Phoebe: My wellness and fitness routine fluctuates. I’m either all in and I’m at the gym seven days a week, or I just don’t go to the gym for a month and eat loads of rubbish. Right now, I’m definitely in the eating rubbish stage. I definitely need to get back into the gym. But when I’m in my routine, it’s leg day three times a week. I try to eat really clean, so lots of vegetables. But yeah, I do love my fries and my burgers.

Playboy: What is your favorite thing to cook?
Phoebe: I’m actually the worst cook you’ll ever meet in your life. I’d like to think that I’m wifey material, but that’s the one thing that I’m missing. I think the most that I could probably make is fajitas. You have your protein and your veg, so they’re great.
Playboy: What piece of clothing identifies you the most?
Phoebe: A bikini. I literally live in my bikinis. I’ve got about 200 bikinis. I’ve just moved abroad now to Dubai and I had two suitcases full of bikinis. I love my little white and brown one the best because I feel like when you go to a beach club, it just fits in with the aesthetic.
Playboy: What is the best piece of advice you were ever given?
Phoebe: I always say this one phrase that I heard to myself. I’m quite spiritual, so I read this phrase once and it’s just stuck with me whenever something really bad happens to me. I always try to remind myself that it’s not happening to me, it’s happening for me. So if I get into an argument with someone and I lose someone in my life, I just have to remind myself that that’s happened for a reason and that I’m not meant to be on that journey with that person. And it’s actually going to benefit me in the future.
Playboy: What turns you on and what turns you off?
Phoebe : What turns me on is that I love someone who has really good fashion sense – like someone who’s just a little bit drippy. It doesn’t even need to be brands or anything. It can be completely unbranded. You can thrift for all I care, but someone who just knows how to dress. And they’ve just got a little bit of confidence and a bit of swag about them. That’s the most attractive thing to me. And the least attractive thing, I would say, is arrogance or just showing off their money. Showing off in a cocky way is a red flag for me. It makes me cringe a little bit.
Playboy: What would make you ghost a potential suitor?
Phoebe: If you triple message me again and again and again or if it’s like the 10th message and I’ve not opened it, then I would be put off. If they just sit back and maybe don’t reply to me for 24 hours, then I wonder what’s he up to and then I’ll probably bounce back. If they don’t give me breathing space, I just get suffocated.
Playboy: What is your most precious possession?
Phoebe: I could say something really cute, but I would probably be lying. I just don’t go anywhere without a lip liner or a hairbrush. I just like to be put together. Apart from that, I feel like every piece of jewelry that’s meaningful to me, I just lose. So that’s the only thing that’s consistently in my bag at all times.
Playboy: What is a fun fact about you?
Phoebe: I’m actually quite a bit of a geek. I’m obsessed with Marvel. I’ve seen every single Marvel screening possible. I think that’s something people wouldn’t expect from me. You know what my biggest fantasy is? A man in a Spider-Man costume. If I ever went to a Halloween party and saw a man in a Spider-Man costume, I would probably go over to him.