Pocahontas is a wanderlust Playboy Club model with a stunning look to match. When traveling the globe, she champions female empowerment at the forefront, especially for those shaped a little differently.

Playboy: First question—where were you born and what was growing up like for you?
Pocahontas: I was born in London and grew up mostly around women. I have four sisters and my mom, who I still live with and I take care of in my home.
Playboy: Was your schooling experience a positive one?
Pocahontas: School was alright. I knew I was different from everyone because of how I was born. I sort of look different than other people, so I had to deal with things here and there. I learned to have thick skin, but overall, school was just okay.
Playboy: Do you remember the first thing you dreamed of achieving?
Pocahontas: The main thing that I really want to do is travel the world, experience other cultures and see how other people live. That would be such a nice experience. I think it’s priceless to travel the world. You have those memories forever instead of materialistic things like handbags. I’d rather have the experience, if you understand.
Playboy: That’s a perfect segue. Where is your favorite place to travel?
Pocahontas: I really love Egypt. Egypt is very cultural as well. When you go over there, there’s a lot of sightseeing. People are so friendly. You also get to experience how other people live also in third-world countries. Obviously, they have the pyramids and everything. I think it’s such a beautiful place.
Playboy: What are you most passionate about?
Pocahontas: Other than family, I’m passionate about traveling. I also love doing photography. I’m a content creator, so I like to be really creative with my content. When I go to other countries, I usually get a photographer who shoots some really cool content as well. Also, I used to own a modeling agency. I’m not too much on it now, but I had Netflix previously hire me to provide models. It was amazing and a big role to take on.

Playboy: What would make you consider ghosting someone that you were interested in dating?
Pocahontas: If they were unclean. Hygiene is top priority. If a guy is not taking care of himself, it’s a no. If you can’t take care of yourself, how are you going to take care of me?
Playboy: What’s one setback that women uniquely face? For a follow up, how do you fight against that in your life?
Pocahontas: We go through a lot of criticism with the way we’re shaped and how we’re born. Obviously, I’ve been through it myself. I was born in a certain way. I’m really slim but I’ve got a big chest. It’s natural, but people always call me fake. “She has a fake body,” or “She dresses too skimpy,” even though I wear regular clothes. People look at you badly, and I feel most women go through that.
Playboy: What are your turn ons and turn offs?
Pocahontas: What turns me on is when someone’s funny and if they have a good personality. But nowadays, and with Gen Z, love is really hard to find in the society we live in. You have to be really careful, so you look for things that are based in real emotion.
Playboy: Describe to me your perfect day.
Pocahontas: It would be a sunny day on the beach with my family watching the sunset and eating amazing food. I love Italian pasta—that’s my favorite. Also, hanging out with my nephew is the best. I love him so much. That would be the perfect day for me.

Playboy: Do you have a comfort show or movie in your life that you frequently revisit?
Pocahontas: I love serial killer movies and thrillers. I know—my comfort is so bad. I’m actually going to the movies after this call to watch a horror movie.
Playboy: Tell me some women that you find inspiring.
Pocahontas: I love Marilyn Monroe. She was really confident at what she was doing and she inspired a lot of young women. She also inspired many other women to be appreciative of themselves and love themselves a bit more. She had so much confidence. She was that woman.
Playboy: Do you have a favorite aspect of life to splurge on?
Pocahontas: I love my cats, I’ll say that. When I go to the grocery store, I’m always thinking of what I can buy for them.
Playboy: Is there a talent that you wish you had?
Pocahontas: There’s many different talents that I wish I had. I really like basketball. I think it’s cool, but I would never do it since I feel like I’m not shaped for basketball. I wish I could be good at it, though!

Playboy: Do you feel you have a superpower in life?
Pocahontas: When I meet people, I like to make them happy. I feel like that would be my superpower.
Playboy: Do you believe in astrology?
Pocahontas: I’m 50-50 on that. I’m a Summer Pisces. It’s interesting to read about, but obviously, I don’t blindly trust astrology. I don’t let it dictate my life. Still, it’s definitely intriguing.
Pocahontas is on The Playboy Club. Talk to her now.