Q&A: Alyssa Hensley

We chat with Playboy Club Alyssa Hensley about loving her career, why she loves Las Vegas, and more.

Playboy Club creator Alyssa Hensley is a model who loves her career, a good trip to Las Vegas, and binge-watching a great show. Get to know her better in our Q&A.

PLAYBOY: Where were you born and what was your whole experience growing up like?

Alyssa: So, I was born in a town called Fayetteville, North Carolina. My childhood was awesome. I went to kindergarten and  I was homeschooled the rest of the way up. It was a really really good experience. I got to spend a lot of time with my parents. I’m an only child, so we’re really close. My field trips would be going to the zoo or going to the beach for the day or something. It was really, really amazing getting to experience that and getting to graduate early.

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PLAYBOY: What was the first thing that you remember that you dreamed of achieving as a younger person?

Alyssa: Definitely watching pageants, like Toddlers & Tiaras, with my mom. I always dreamed of just being Miss America one day or Miss Universe, taking home a really big crown.

PLAYBOY: Did you ever do a pageant?

Alyssa: I did two pageants, and I did a full sweep on one of them. I won everything except main title. I got first runner up, most there was a fundraiser award. But I raised the most money out of all the girls. Yeah. So, I won that award. The only thing I didn’t get was the actual title, but I got everything underneath.

PLAYBOY: Do you think that it’s something that you would do again in the future?

Alyssa: I love modeling and to be honest, once you’re married, which I am married, the pageant world really changes and it’s a lot more complicated to get into. But I would say any girl that’s younger and wanting to start a path like that, that’s definitely something good to get your career started for sure. And it looks really good on your portfolio.

PLAYBOY: Do you have a favorite place to travel to? And what places do you dream of traveling to?

Alyssa: My favorite place to travel to in the whole world is Las Vegas. Going there my fourth time actually in March for modeling, which is really cool. Traveling and modeling, it really opens up a lot of doors. You can reach out and network and hopefully get really cool shots wherever you end up traveling to. But the biggest place I really probably dream of traveling to is Greece or the Virgin Islands or just somewhere just exotic. Not anything you can find around here.

PLAYBOY: What book, movie or TV show is your comfort blanket that makes you deeply happy anytime you go back to it?

Alyssa: The Vampire Diaries. It’s a very, very good show and it’s really old. You got to be a nerd to get into it, but it’s so worth it. And if you binge watch like I do, you’re set for at least a month.

PLAYBOY: What would make you ghost a potential love interest?

Alyssa: First of all, if you’re way too cocky, I do not like that. If you think you’re Mr. Hot, no, you just lost 10 cool points just for that. I like sweet and soft, knight in shining armor. I want to be cuddled. I want to be touched softly. I don’t want to be one of the girls that gets the pleasure of hanging out with you for the night. You know what I mean? I can’t stand those kinds of guys.

PLAYBOY: What are you passionate about in your life right now?

Alyssa: Modeling. Anything that has to do with being in the industry, music videos, photo shoots. I actually do a lot of other modeling jobs as well. I’ve worked with some major brands like Tito’s, Fashion Nova, Big and Sexy Hair. I love doing things, I love being in the public, I love events. I’m very passionate about just working in general.

PLAYBOY: What are your turn-ons and turn-offs?

Alyssa: Being clingy. I know that sounds weird, but if you’re obsessed with me. I want to know that I’m your one and only. I love being posted on social media. That’s another turn-on. I really like foreplay. I can’t stand a guy that just wants to just try and … you know what I’m saying? It’s just the biggest turn off in the world for a guy if you’re expecting something to just happen when you didn’t even work for it. I like effort.

Turn offs: expecting it, thinking that you are supposed to have something that you’re not. And definitely I don’t like rude tones. I’m really a tone person. I feel even if you’re having a bad day and you take that out on me, I feel like I should be the last person that you take it out on.

PLAYBOY: Describe what your version of a perfect day looks like.

Alyssa: My version of a perfect day is waking up and the sun is super bright outside. The temperature is perfect where I can wear whatever I want and I don’t need to bring a jacket. And then I get in the car and all the lights are green to wherever I’m going, right? And then, let’s see, if I’m going to get my nails done or something, if there’s no wait and I can just get in there, my gosh, that’s heaven sent. I feel like I just already saved an extra hour. And then definitely probably going to eat cause I love food, so wherever there’s food involved, I’d be excited. And then to wrap the day up, definitely like a nice bath and a good book. I’m a romance girl.

PLAYBOY: What women inspire you?

Alyssa: Definitely my mom. And past Playboy bunnies, like Anna Nicole Smith. I hate how it ended up going down [for her] but in the beginning she was such a good girl. She could have had it all. [Also], Paris Hilton’s honestly kind of gotten it together. And I mean, The Simple Life. I lived off that. And they redid it. I’ve seen every episode. I like her a lot. She’s really funny.

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PLAYBOY: If you had a superpower, what do you think it would be?

Alyssa: Invisibility.

PLAYBOY: If you had an autobiography, what do you think the title would be?

Alyssa: The life of the Reality TV Star Alyssa Hensley. Just cause everybody says that my life is a TV show. “Alyssa, between you and your family and everyone else, like girl, you could literally have 50 seasons worth of TV shows.”

Alyssa is on The Playboy Club. Talk to her now.

Alyssa Hensley

Alyssa Hensley
Alyssa Hensley
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