Q&A: Hannah Pie

Hannah Pie
Hannah, who also goes by the name Shortypie, is a full-time video game streamer with a thriving career doing exactly what our parents told us would never make us any money. Get to know her better in our Q&A below.

Hannah Pie, who also goes by the name Shortypie, is a full-time video game streamer with a thriving career doing exactly what our parents told us would never make us any money. Get to know her in our Q&A below.

Playboy: What was growing up like for you?

Hannah Pie: I was born in St Louis, Missouri, so not in the city, but I was more on the outskirts. I had a honestly great upbringing with two amazing parents that loved me very much. I also had a little brother, and it was just me and him, growing up kind of in the middle of nowhere. We didn’t have the cul de sac, like to grow up and play with other kids, so we would always play together. So I grew up very much a tomboy, because my parents would always get stuff for him, and then I just had to like it, because my brother didn’t like princesses and stuff. So I think that attributes a lot of how I grew up and where I’m at now, which is playing video games for a living.

Playboy: Did you enjoy your school years?

Hannah Pie: I think academically, I did. I was pretty hardcore at first. I was a nursing student, so I was all about the studies, and I think that it took away from the social aspect of high school. So I was in all the honors programs. I was an absolute nerd in high school. I also played some sports, softball and volleyball, so I was a weird athletic nerd. I never really fit in anywhere. But I had groups that I could float to. 

Playboy: What was the first thing you dreamed of achieving?

Hannah Pie: When I was a kid, I wanted to be a shark, which made absolutely no sense. Like people would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up, and I told them a shark. But I think realistically, my first ever goal was to be a nursing student, or to be a nurse and to help people. That kind of crashed and burned when Covid hit, because I realized something in the ER – I can’t do blood. So I did all this schooling to be a nurse, and then I realized that, like, probably the fifth day on the job. It was one of those villain moments where you realize, okay, this is just not gonna work. 

Playboy: What are you passionate about?

Hannah Pie: I love being active. I used to be almost 200 pounds, and then over Covid, I started going to the gym a bunch and actually lost 80 pounds, just like working out and eating healthy. Swimming has been like something I’ve been doing quite a bit.

My other love is traveling. I love traveling to other countries where I can’t speak the language. I recently went to Japan for two weeks, and it was one of the coolest experiences I’ve ever had. It was awesome. And I hopefully plan on doing more trips around the world here soon.

Playboy: What turns you on or off?

Hannah Pie: I love acts of service. Doing my dishes, doing my laundry, taking my car to get cleaned. Outside of that, take me to get food, because I am a foodie through and through. I like to say I’m a retired fat person, because I truly, I truly love to eat, and I love trying new things. So going somewhere, [putting in] that effort to get us there, and then also the fact that we get to share it together, is something that I really love.

Playboy: What would make you ghost a potential love interest?

Hannah Pie: Not reciprocating. If I have to play games. If I’m excited to talk to you, and I’m like, Hey, how are you? And you take 10 years to get back to me, it’s an instant no. I don’t want to deal with it.

If I catch you in a lie early on, [because] white lies to me are red flags. I’m like, okay, well, if you can lie about that, what else are you lying about?

Playboy: Where are your favorite places you’ve traveled to?

Hannah Pie: Japan is still number one on the list, but I’ve gotten the opportunity to go to a lot of places in Mexico. We went to Yucatan, which is on the peninsula. It’s so hot there, but we went on a bunch of tours of all the ruins, and then we got to swim in an underground cave. There’s bats in there, but it was so cool. It was probably my next favorite place. And I think aside from that, I like going home, because I currently live in Dallas, so traveling back home is always a big plus for me.

Playboy: What people inspire you and why?

Hannah Pie: I think my mom is probably my biggest inspiration. She’s always been my number one supporter, even the stuff that she doesn’t really understand, especially with streaming. My parents are very old-fashioned, so when I told them I wanted to play video games for a living, they didn’t understand what I meant. But, I’ve sat down, I’ve talked to them, and helped them figure it out, and now they are obviously my biggest fans. So, like, my mom and dad are probably two people I look up to the most.

Playboy: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve gotten so far?

Hannah Pie: I’ll do this one for social media, because I feel like people need to hear it: If they don’t have your phone number, if they don’t know you, their opinion does not matter at the end of the day. I am a people pleaser at heart, so it took me so long to finally get that through my head that these are people on the internet. You’ll never meet them, so anything negative they have to say doesn’t matter. They can’t form an opinion on me, because they truly don’t even know me. 

Playboy: What would the name of your biography be?

Hannah Pie: Welcome to the Shitshow. Honestly, because where I’ve started to where I’ve been  – there’s definitely the highs, but always shit. Like, welcome to the shit show. Because it is just like, one thing after another. Some people are like, Oh my God, you’re streaming. You’re doing it on your own. [But] you have to be on camera every day. So Welcome to the Shitshow is a perfect, perfect representation.

Playboy: What are you playing on stream these days?

Hannah Pie: I’ve been playing a lot of Grand Theft Auto 5 RP (roleplay), so basically I roleplay in the server with other people that also roleplay as characters. And I’m a gangster, so I’m this big bad top shooter.  It’s such a weird personality flip.

And I’ve been playing a lot of Elden Ring, which is pretty intense for people that don’t know. I think that and Dark Souls are two of the hardest games in the world. They just updated the co-op and I’m playing the DLC with a friend. And we’ve been getting our asses handed to us, of course.

Hannah is on The Playboy Club. Talk to her now.

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