In our chat with Playboy Club creator Megslove2024, we talk artistic inspirations, military life, and places she dreams of visiting. Chat with her more on The Playboy Club!
PLAYBOY: Tell us about where you were born and where you grew up.
Meg: I was born in California and I grew up here. So, never really left except for military service, but I’ve been here my whole life.
PLAYBOY: That’s right, you’re a veteran, aren’t you? Thank you for your service.
Meg: Thank you. I was 19 when I left and I stayed in for nine years.

PLAYBOY: And now you’re a respiratory therapist. What made you choose to go in that direction?
Meg: I originally wanted to be a nurse and when I was applying for the nursing programs during COVID they weren’t accepting people. But I really needed to get the ball rolling with my career because I had done all my prerequisites already. So my mom’s like “Why don’t you try for respiratory?” and I was like okay, I never thought about that. They accepted me. And we were busy. We were students taking care of the COVID patients. And so it was kind of monumental in my life to be a part of that.
PLAYBOY: And you helped people that were probably so desperately in need at that time. Speaking of notable achievements, what was the first thing you dreamed of achieving?
Meg: I would have to say what got me into the Air Force was my first dream: to be a pilot. That’s what I wanted to do. I watched too much Full Metal Jacket when I was little, so I think that’s where it came from.

PLAYBOY: Did you ever get your pilot’s license?
Meg: I just diverted to a different area because, for one, I don’t really have the greatest eyesight. So I couldn’t pass the physical for flying, but I did do a medical job. So that got me started, and I had fun. It was a great experience.
PLAYBOY: What’s your dream travel destination?
Meg: Honestly, I want to go to the Maldives because it’s just so beautiful to me and I really want to see the sea life that they have there. They have the manta rays, the whale sharks, they have just really beautiful things we don’t have here. And the outlay,a and the litle huts…I just think it would be a really beautiful immersive experience.
PLAYBOY: Do you have a comfort book or TV show you love to go back to?
Meg: For me it’s either The Nightmare Before Christmas or Casper.
PLAYBOY: What are you most passionate about at this point in your life?
Meg: Really, after everything I’ve seen in the medical field, I’m most passionate about making sure that my existence here on earth is to the fullest for me and for everybody around me. So, I think it’s just making sure that I’m always headed in the direction of achieving what I what. Life is short. Do what you want. have the experiences you want with the people that you want and just make it a full-blown experience because life is so short and we never know what’s going to change when. So, just really appreciating my time here with the people I have and the experiences I get to have.

PLAYBOY: What would make you ghost a potential love interest?
Meg: So I just did that recently. And it was because how he was unempathetic towards a situation involving somebody that we both knew. He was just very judgmental and this person has an illness that they didn’t choose to acquire, but he was just making jokes about it. And I don’t like that because anything can happen to anybody at any point in time. And so that made me ghost him.
PLAYBOY: What are your turn-ons and turn-offs?
Meg: So, probably the biggest turn on for me is somebody that just cares about you unconditionally. It’s just natural, and they just naturally want to do good by you and they’re sincere. So, I would have to say sincere people, whether that be partner or a friend or whatever, but sincere people that have sincere intentions towards you And then probably a big turnoff is, like I said, the inconsiderate people. Very close-minded, selfish individuals.
PLAYBOY: What’s a talent you wish you had?
Meg: I wish I could sing. Because sometimes I hear myself in my car and I’m just like “Ooohhh.” *laughs*

PLAYBOY: Who is a woman that really inspires you and why?
Meg: Her name is Anothai. She’s from Thailand and she’s an artist. She makes really big, beautiful crystal jewelry using things like that she finds just around, everywhere. So, teeth of animals – ethically sourced, of course – but just really big crystal pieces that are statement pieces. And she motivated me to start making some of that bigger crystal jewelry that you see on my page. So, she’s very influential.
PLAYBOY: Would you say she was your primary inspiration to start making this jewelry?
Meg: Yes.
PLAYBOY: You make statement jewelry too. What’s your creation process like?
Meg: So I will just get an idea out of nowhere, really. It could have been because I saw a certain color or I saw something online that I was like, you know what? I want to make this. You just come up with things and then you try to piece it together in your mind, how it would look.
So, you kind of have to think: okay, what materials are realistic for this idea? And then from there, I’ll look online. I like to get my beads from Michaels, Hobby Lobby, but sometimes you have to order them online because there’s just certain things that are on online only. And then the crystals…I’ve gone to gem shows. I really like doing that because the biggest one is in Tucson and it’s really amazing because you get wholesalers from all around the world with all these crystals from different minds. Some of them are from Afghanistan or Morocco, just different places. And you get all these really cool fossils and things from the earth that are historical and just amazing to have.
PLAYBOY: What would the title of your autobiography be?
Meg: That’s actually an easy one and I do actually want to write a book about this. It would be “What Men Taught Me.” Because of the experiences that I’ve had. I haven’t had the best dating experience, but because I have come into contact with so many different personalities, it just showed me certain things and certain bad habits I had picked up on, but I caught myself and I was like, “No. I know where I learned this from.” But then there’s also been a lot of good. It’s always a mixed bag.
PLAYBOY: What makes you happiest in your life right now?
Meg: What my heart wants to do. So getting up in the morning and just following my dreams that makes me the happiest and not really having limitations. For instance, doing PLAYBOY. I’m going to be 34 years old. It’s the first time in my life I’ve ever done something like this. And it’s been the most freeing. And it has already taught me that you have so much power in your life to do the things that you want to do and to meet new people and to get new experiences. You just have to not be worried about stigmas that surround certain things because you’re really limiting yourself being closed minded.
Meg is on The Playboy Club. Talk to her now.