Editor’s note: Starting from a wonderfully haunted childhood in Ohio, Playboy Club model Savannah Vinson talks about her journey to modeling success in New York City. She can be found on Instagram (@_queen.sav_) and TikTok (@savannahvinsonn).
Playboy: Where were you born and what was your growing up experience?
Savannah Vinson: I grew up in Ohio on a farm in the middle of nowhere. I moved to New York about six years ago to pursue modeling. It’s funny when my family comes here and visits, my dad looks at everyone. I’m like, “Dad, you’re gonna get stabbed. Don’t look at anyone — it’s New York City!” It’s so funny. But growing up was so different.
I grew up in a haunted house, scaring people and stuff. And then when COVID happened, they actually transitioned to doing a Bigfoot festival … over 5,000 people came out. It was huge! It was on all the news sources. My family are the ones who definitely opened up my creative side to be adventurous and just going for what I want.
Playboy: Now, we’ll go to school for a second — did you enjoy school or not?
Savannah: I actually was the first person ever in my high school to graduate a year early. In New York, apparently that’s a very common thing … but in Ohio, the school I went to in particular, in Harrison, I was the first person. I graduated at 17 years old and moved to New York City by myself [to] pursue my dreams.
High school, though, I wasn’t a fan of it. I was the first person wanting to model. I was in a small town … When you graduate, it’s college or the army. I was different. People were haters, of course, but now when they see everything online, they’re say, “Oh my God. How did you do it? You’re my inspiration.”
Playboy: What was the first thing you dreamed of achieving as a woman?
Savannah: I would definitely say having a billboard in Times Square, and I’ve had multiple billboards now. I was in a music video with A Boogie, I did a thing with Spotify — a whole bunch of stuff. That first feeling when I was standing in Times Square and just seeing my face on the billboard … Wow!
And now, of course, I hate Times Square. I’m a New Yorker now!
Playboy: What’s your dream place to travel to?
Savannah: Iceland because I want to visit the black beaches there. I think it’s just so unique and different.
Playboy: What are you passionate about?
Savannah: I would have to say modeling. I have a funny story — my mom told me when she was getting the ultrasound when I was in her belly, I literally turned toward the camera and posed when they took the ultrasound. She said “That was the start of your modeling career.”

Playboy: What would make you ghost a potential love interest?
Savannah: I would say hiding potential little lies. Little lies … that adds up to just one big thing: You’re just not who you say you are.
Playboy: What are your turn ons and turn offs?
Savannah: I would say a guy that plans everything is a turn on. I’m so indecisive … but if he’s like, “Hey, we’re gonna go to this restaurant” and he just plans everything, I like that.
Turn offs are those little lies. I want someone who stays true to their word and does what they say.
Playboy: If you had an autobiography, what do you think the title would be?
“The Sweet Seduction of Success: Savannah Vinson” or “Savannah Vinson: The Charming Ohio Girl Who’s Making Waves in NYC.”
Playboy: Describe your perfect day from beginning to end.
Savannah: It’s fall right now, which is my favorite season. Going to a super cute fall-inspired cafe — fall drinks, pumpkin spice, all that good stuff. Then going to a pumpkin patch would be really cute: Hay rides, pick out your pumpkin, apple cider and then maybe going to a haunted house. Carving pumpkins that you picked, of course, and just super homey, fun and cute things.
Playboy: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve gotten so far?
Savannah: Everything happens for a reason. I know that one’s maybe basic, but at the same time, I feel like when something you wanted doesn’t happen, you can get really upset. But maybe you just weren’t prepared for that moment to happen yet. Maybe you needed to get stronger and build for your moment. When it’s the right time, it will happen.
Playboy: What’s your favorite thing to splurge on?
Savannah: Japanese head massage. I go every week. It is the most relaxing thing ever.
Playboy: What’s a talent that you wish you had?
Savannah: I wish I could sing. I feel like I can do everything else. I can dance, I can do whatever — But singing? God no.
Playboy: What do you think your superpower is?
Savannah: I would have to say multitasking. I didn’t realize it was a superpower until I was like “All right! We got to do X Y, Z. You gotta get this done!” and then the other person said “Dude, I actually just can’t … I need a break” and I’m like “There’s no time for a break! We gotta go!”
Playboy: Do you have a comfort show, movie or video game?
Savannah: Right now I’m watching the show Dexter. It is so crazy and just gives me so much anxiety watching it. Everything’s fine in my life but it’s really just the show. I’m stressed for Dexter, but he’s the killer. So why am I stressed?