Gal Ritchie’s 5 No-No’s in the Bedroom

Jak Knife
To celebrate adult industry staple Gal Ritchie joining The Playboy Club, we dished with her about her 5 no-no's in the bedroom.

Gal Ritchie hardly needs an introduction for those that are fans of adult content. To celebrate her becoming a part of The Playboy Club, we asked her to dish about her five big turn-offs in the bedroom. Men, ladies, and gender-creative friends, take notes.

Playboy: So Gal, let’s talk about some bedroom no-no’s. What are the things that totally turn you off?

Gal Ritchie: So my first one would probably be bad hygiene. That’s a big no-no.

Playboy: Have you had horror story moments with that?

Gal Ritchie: Um, yeah. Dates where I’ve had to tell people to go and brush their teeth. It’s different when you’re in a relationship, right? If you wake up and you both have morning breath, but you still want to roll around, [it’s] different. I’m someone who if I’m clean, I feel sexy, so I always carry a little bottle of mouthwash. But yeah, I’ve had one time where I was like, “Oh, maybe you should go and freshen up.” And they didn’t. So I was like, oh, let’s brush our teeth together.

Another no-no would be not having any eye contact. It’s so important. [It makes me] feel connected to the person, and it’s something that builds chemistry. It doesn’t need to be necessarily [held] though the whole time. But even building up, like if you’re on a date and slowly getting to know the person, I think eye contact really builds sexual chemistry between people.

Gal Ritchie in dark silhouette wearing black lingerie
AT Glamour London

I think the third no-no would be not having a balance between giving and receiving. The yes would be having a shared amount of pleasure between both people. Obviously, then like dynamics, depending on dominant/submissive, come into it. But even so, I think having a good sexual encounter with someone definitely depends on you finding a good balance between both fulfilling each other’s pleasure in a way that’s not all about the man finishing, but equally [finishing]. I really enjoy giving so I love when I can tell someone’s feeling good in the bedroom. I think finding a good balance between that is a big yes. I love that.

Playboy: Is there anything men do that makes you think, “Why the f*ck do they do that?”

Gal Ritchie: Not enough foreplay. Going straight into penetration is the worst idea ever. Even if I’m really, really into someone, my brain could be completely ready to have sex. But that doesn’t necessarily mean my body [is], and also it’s going to be a way more enjoyable experience for both of us if I’m stimulated down there. And obviously it’s different for women, like I need a bit more time. I don’t immediately get a boner and I’m ready to go, you know. And I also think you can figure out your partner’s needs and sexual wants through foreplay.

I would also say like using lube if needed. Some people equate needing lube or using lube as like the woman isn’t turned on enough. But that’s so not true at all. So I think incorporating that is really cool.

And my last one, my biggest no, would be no communication. I think communication is so important. Expressing boundaries and consent as well within that, but [also] throughout the sex. Yes, you might have consented to having sex, but I think if you’re able to communicate throughout the time you’re together, oh yes, that feels good. Oh no more down here, this feels nice up here. And having the confidence to communicate that with someone. When someone communicates with me, I find it really sexy, whereas some people might think it like, breaks the moment, but I think adds to it, because you can use communication in a very sexy way.

And regarding dirty talk, you can incorporate into that, like, “Oh, that feels really, really good.” Or what if you did this, and you can incorporate it into the sexual act, rather than feeling like I need to do all the communication beforehand. I think it’s fun to incorporate it with them. Yeah, I like that.

Gal Ritchie is on The Playboy Club. Talk to her here.

Gal Ritchie standing in. kitchen wearing blue floral dress
Jak Knife
Gal Ritchie
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