
5 Life Tips That Apply to Sex (or Sex Tips That Apply to Life)

Turns out what's good for the daytime is also good for the nighttime.

As you’ve figured out by now, there’s no incontestable life tips guidebook on how to best live your life. There’s also no definitive step-by-step process to succeed in the bedroom (or in public, if that’s your style).

A fundamental way to learn about life is through your experiences and mistakes. It’s even better, and usually cost-free, to learn from the experiences and mistakes of others!

In that spirit, here are a few life tips you can apply in the bedroom and beyond, curated from Reddit’s /AskReddit community:

Don’t fear failure; it’s a necessary part of growth.

For life: You won’t improve or accomplish your goals if you’re too afraid to even try. Sitting on the sidelines out of fear of failure makes it more difficult to take the first step, as your internal fears have become obstacles for your future accomplishments. Don’t get in your own way.

For sex: Put simply, you’ll have more sex and better-quality sex if you’re courageous. Fear of rejection kills confidence — and confidence is an aphrodisiac. Plus, the sooner you get rejected, the faster you can move on to your next attempt. Ask them out. Send that text. Communicate, get consent and try out that new kinky thing you’ve been fantasizing about.

The best time to work out is while in your teens, the next best time is now.

For life: You want to be healthy, conditioned and strong enough to have fun and last a long time, don’t you?

For sex: (See above).

Don’t rush; things will unfold in their own time.

For life: Patience is an emotional muscle. Train it well, as most things in life will be out of your control. Be tactful and strategically assertive but don’t be the reason the door to an opportunity closes.

For sex: Starting slow is the best advice. Be mindful of the verbal and nonverbal signals your partner sends so you can maintain a shared cadence. Also, starting slow means you’ll likely be having sex for longer — which, I would argue, is a good thing.

I wish someone told me to prioritize mental health and boundaries.

For life: The most important person in your life is you. Have as much consideration and understanding as you can for others while making sure you are taking care of yourself.

For sex: Sex works best when everyone involved feels safe and comfortable. Analyze how you feel, your likes/dislikes and establish boundaries through communication. Respect the boundaries of others.

Start saving for retirement now, even a little adds up.

For life: Some 55% of Americans are worried they won’t achieve financial security for retirement, with nearly 80% of Americans feeling the country faces a retirement crisis. Additionally, a healthy future for Social Security is not guaranteed. Invest in a 401(k), a Roth IRA  — something, anything. Talk to a financial professional if you can and secure some money for your future, because one day you’ll wake up and be significantly older and more sleepy than you are now.

For sex: Your sex life will likely be better off if you have some money in the bank and you don’t have to work through retirement age, right? Less work, more sex?

For more life tips that are also sex tips, check out our guide to being a better communicator (while talking dirty).

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