Morning Sex – Yay or Nay?

Morning sex is a topic of hot debate.
Roll over and roll around, or roll over and keep snoring? Tough call.

You wouldn’t think the timing of sex would be a controversial topic, but apparently morning sex is something with two camps and very strong feelings.

Some people love to wake-and-quake, as it were, while others can’t be bothered until the sun’s down and the lights are out.

A woman frustrated over her partner’s lack of morning sex desire took to Reddit’s r/sex sub this weekend to ask the community – is it ok to want it first thing, and is it ok to NOT want it at the crack of dawn?

“I love morning sex. The idea of rolling over as you wake up and just going to town on each other really turns me on. Sadly I don’t think my husband is as keen. Despite having said before that he’d like to wake up to me doing stuff to him the last time I made a move in the morning he kinda laughed it off and pushed me away. It really knocked my confidence,” u/moh1023 wrote in one of the weekend’s most active topics.

Morning Sex – How to Start?

Moh1023 wanted to know the best way to initiate first thing, and users were quite divided in their responses.

Ok so I’m ok with morning sex but my GF is WAY more into it than I am. So from that perspective here’s my advice. First, if you’ve been pushed away don’t take it personally. Sleep is powerful. Being in a state of sleep means being not wanting to be interrupted. It’s instinctual. It’s not about you. Second. When you’re sitting there wanting morning sex you’re basically more or less awake. He isn’t. Take that into consideration. It’s all about timing,” u/Sp0rkah0lic wrote.

They went on to offer detailed and practical advice – it all starts from a sexy snuggle and goes from there.

byu/moh1023 from discussion

Others tried, gently, to make the point that maybe communication was the issue? Some people just don’t want morning sex, and that’s ok too.

I’d really ask him and talk to him instead before hand,” u/simply_jess_lmao wrote.

But if you’re both into it, then go for it – science says there are definite health benefits to releasing all those positive hormones to start your day!

Need more sex advice? Here’s how to talk dirty to your partner without making it cringy.

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