Playboy’s Guide to Edging (Solo or With Company)

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You don't need much to start edging. All you need is a little self-control and a desire to have one of the greatest orgasms of your life.

Wise, often-misattributed people throughout generations have famously said that life is “not about the destination. It’s about the journey.”

For satisfying sex, edging can be the toe-curling, pelvis-raising journey to achieving a mind-melting, soul-scorching orgasm.

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What Is Edging?

Edging is a popular technique in which you bring yourself to the brink of orgasm through masturbation or sex but stop right before climax.

The process can be repeated multiple times, which builds anticipation and intensity as if your body is a steaming pot of boiling water with its lid closed that’s waiting to overflow. It’s a sensational way to explore your body’s response to pleasure and can lead to intense orgasms.

The beauty about edging is in its simplicity. No gadgets. No toys. No fanciful strategizing. All you need is a little self-control to stop yourself from doing the one thing your body and mind are screaming for you to do (which sounds a lot easier than it actually is). When you finally allow yourself to reach orgasm after edging, you may reach a metaphysical level of post-nut clarity.

How Can I Start Edging?

To start, focus on the sensations in your body as you masturbate or have sex. Pay attention to the physical and emotional changes as you get closer to orgasm. Instead of focusing on just the genital pleasure, pay attention to how the pleasurable stimulation affects your breathing, your mood and your body’s overall sensations.

If you’re new to edging, take your pauses in stimulation earlier on in the process. It’s possible you may not want to stop if you’re too near orgasm. Get comfortable with stopping yourself or telling your girlfriend to stop as part of the practice.

At first, take your time and slowly work up to the goal. The goal in edging is to stop stimulation closest to orgasm without going too far. Once you feel yourself nearing orgasm, pause the stimulation completely.

Take a few deep breaths and focus on the sensations fading. Listen to your body as best you can throughout the whole process.

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After a short break, you can resume stimulation, gradually increasing the intensity until you’re once again close to the edge. Repeat this process as many times as you and your girlfriend want.

If you reach orgasm without intending to, that’s OK! You can always try again. In this context, if cumming is the worst that can happen, then that’s the best worst thing ever.

Communication is essential when edging with your girlfriend. Check in throughout to talk about what feels good, what doesn’t and how you’re both feeling. You can also experiment with different techniques, such as varying the pace and pressure of stimulation.

There’s no perfect way to edge. In sex, it’s one of the ways you can stop and smell the roses. In a poetic way, edging helps us recognize and appreciate how beautifully wonderful orgasms can be.

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